Meeting documents
Finance Council
Monday, 2nd March, 2009 6.00 pm
Documents | Attendance | Visitors | Declarations of Interests |
Meeting Documents
Agenda 2nd March 2009 (56Kb)
Item 04 Declarations of Interest (27Kb)
Item 06 The Prudential Code, Minimum Revenue Payment Policy and Treasury Management Strategy 2009/10 (146Kb)
Item 07 The Robustness of the 2009/10 Budget and the Recommended Level of Reserves (101Kb)
Item 08 Appendix A (24Kb)
Item 08 Appendix B (179Kb)
Item 08 Appendix C (38Kb)
Item 08 Appendix D (59Kb)
Item 08 Appendix E (154Kb)
Item 08 Appendix F (1756Kb)
Item 08.1 Revenue Budget 2009/10 and the Medium Term Financial Strategy and Capital Programme 2009/1 (40Kb)
Item 08.2 Revenue Budget 2009/10 and the Medium Term Financial Strategy and Capital Programme 2009/1 (128Kb)
Item 09 Council Tax For 2009/10 (179Kb)
Item 10.1 Darwen Town Council (50Kb)
Item 10.2 Darwen Town Council - Order for the constitution of a new parish and for the creation of a (49Kb)
Item 10.3 Darwen Town Council - Boundary Map (2170Kb)