Meeting documents
Health & Wellbeing Board
Tuesday, 8th March, 2016 5.30 pm
Documents | Attendance | Visitors | Declarations of Interests |
Meeting Documents
Agenda - 8th March 2016 (127Kb)
Item 2 - Minutes of the meeting held on the 15 December 2015 (317Kb)
Item 3 - Declarations of Interest (8Kb)
Item 6 - Update on Children's Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health (455Kb)
Item 8 - Health and Care System Planning - 2016 onwards (218Kb)
Item 9 - Better Care Fund - Quarter 3 submission and planning for 2016-17 (212Kb)
Item 10 - Ofsted Inspection of local area responsibilities for disabled children and young people and those who have special educational needs (119Kb)
Item 10 - Local Area SEND Consultation (414Kb)
Item 10 - Special Educational Needs and Disasbility: Supporting Local and National Accountability (578Kb)
Item 11 - Evidencing the Disabled Children's Charter for Health & Wellbeing Boards (229Kb)
Item 12 - Blackburn with Darwen Suicide Strategy 2016-2019 - 'Creating Suicide Safer Communities to Save Lives' (183Kb)
Item 12 - Draft Blackburn with Darwen Suicide Prevention Strategy (958Kb)
Item 12 - Department of Health - Preventing suicide in England: A cross-government outcomes strategy to save lives (99Kb)
Item 12 - BwD Suicide Prevention Strategy EIA (473Kb)