Decision details
Work Programme
Decision Maker: Policy & Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Committee discussed the three areas currently being scrutinised:
Digital Strategy – as referred to earlier, the Task and Finish Group were scheduled to meet on 20th December and would report back to the next meeting.
Asset Management – Information was required on various assets – Council buildings, accommodation, leisure centres, community centres etc, bearing in mind the reduction in staff resources. Phil Llewellyn advised that a report on the Accommodation Strategy would be submitted to the next meeting of the Executive Board and that when the agenda had been published he would send the link to the Committee.
Sickness and Absenteeism – Members asked for the following information to be made available to Members of the Committee in good time, well ahead of the next meeting, and also that the item be placed on the next agenda:
- Cost of agency staff required – take up of Health and Wellbeing Offer is only 10% - is it cost effective, cost of agency staff needs to be weighed against getting more full time staff.
- How does the 10% take up compare to other local authorities/areas?
- More % information required – length of absences, %per department sickness and breakdown of take up of assistance per Department.
- Workloads – Social workers - are supervisions taking place?
RESOLVED – That the update be noted and that progress on the three areas be discussed at the next meeting.
Publication date: 17/12/2018
Date of decision: 17/12/2018
Decided at meeting: 17/12/2018 - Policy & Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee