Decision details

ICB & Place based partnership Update

Decision Maker: Health & Wellbeing Board

Decision status: For consultation

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Director of Health and Care Integration BwD, Claire Richardson, provided an update on the delivery programme of the Place Based Partnership (PBP) arrangements for Blackburn with Darwen. The intention was for the Board to be fully sighted on progress during the development and subsequent phases of the partnership arrangements. It also included a summary of areas of work undertaken since the last report to the Board and an update from the Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB).


The Health and Wellbeing Board was recommended to:


a)    Note the update provided in the report on the development of the Blackburn with Darwen PBP and the collaborative delivery that is underway to integrate health and care for the residents of Blackburn with Darwen.

b)    Note the update with regards to the Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB.


Summary of the key achievements of the PBP;


·       Review and refresh of neighbourhood working arrangements

·       Developed Intermediate Care at Albion Mill

·       Approval of Community Services (adults and CAMHS) transaction proposal and business case

·       Mobilisation of community mental health transformation programme – including collaboration on Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB mental health commission for voluntary, community, faith, and social enterprise services

·       Supported development of key BwD strategies – carers, learning disability and autism “Big Plan” refresh, mental health wellbeing and suicide prevention

·       Led on public engagement to promote service awareness and gain insight into residents needs and behaviours

·       Innovative delivery of flu vaccines; coordination of response to MMR vaccination

·       Supported a co-ordinated response to urgent and emergency care system pressures over winter

·       Development of successful funding bids – Work Well Programme; Urgent and Emergency Care (UEC) Programme, which will support the delivery of innovative service models across the borough


The PBP was in the process of identifying and agreeing key delivery priorities for the coming year and would be outlined for the Board in September 2024.

The priorities are likely to include;


·       Continued deep engagement with our communities with a focus on working with them to improve health and wellbeing  

·       Agreeing and delivering improvements in a small number of health improvement priorities  

·       Deliver the evolved model for Integrated Neighborhood Teams – focused on proactive identification and support to keep people safe and well at home 

·       Effective transfer of adult physical health community services and child and adolescent mental health services to their new providers 

·       Delivering our Getting to Outstanding End of Life Care plan – early identification and advance care planning, all age focus, improving access to bereavement support and ensuring timely and coordinated access to support 

·       Development of transformed model for intermediate care – shifting our focus towards enablement and supporting people to remain as independent as possible, for as long as possible – co-production of model with residents and service users 

·       Reviewing how we jointly commission packages of care and support for adults and children who need health and care support 

·       Working across Blackburn with Darwen and East Lancashire to deliver the urgent and emergency care action plan 


Arif Patel, Development Director at ELHT, advised the Board that there were 800 reported attendances at Royal Blackburn Hospital A&E Dept today, with 20 residents being supported via corridor care. It was noted that waiting times in A&E remain high and corridor care was becoming the “norm”. Traditionally Wednesday and Thursday were days to prepare for the weekend influx, but this was no longer the case.


There was still work to be done to inform residents of the options available to them and to empower them to maintain their own health and wellbeing.


A discussion took place regarding the translation of strategies into practice from a community level to develop the prevention agenda. It was agreed that mental health challenges for residents were as big as physical health needs, with more clarity required as to why residents present at A&E with minor or mental health needs.


More work needed to be done on Public Health messaging. It was felt the current initiatives were not cohesive enough and too much information via the media was unhelpful “fake news”.

It was noted that it took 6-7 contacts to achieve a vaccination result. A discussion took place about vaccination engagement; Do we have the right resources in the right places? How do we make best use of our services? What are the barriers? It was agreed that there was a need to change the way we engage with our local communities.


RESOLVED – That the Board 


a)    Noted the update provided in the report on the development of the Blackburn with Darwen PBP and the collaborative delivery that was underway to integrate health and care for the residents of Blackburn with Darwen.

b)    Noted the update with regards to the Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB.

Report author: Mariam Motala

Publication date: 25/09/2024

Date of decision: 19/06/2024

Decided at meeting: 19/06/2024 - Health & Wellbeing Board

Accompanying Documents: