Decision details
Live Well Update: Wider Determinants of Health
Decision Maker: Health & Wellbeing Board
Decision status: For consultation
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
Consultant in Public Health, Cath Taylor, provided an update on delivery of the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy ‘Live Well’ priorities and actions, specifically those relating to the Wider Determinants of Health including Priority 2: Healthy homes, places and communities and Priority 4: Good quality work and maximising income. (A report on Priority 3: Mental and physical health and wellbeing was provided at the last meeting)
The aim of the update was to provide assurance to the Board that the ‘Live Well’ strategy priority areas and objectives were being delivered. The report collated headline activity by relevant groups who are delivering work related to those two priorities. The relevant groups were identified via a mapping exercise previously reported to the board.
a) Note the contents of the report which was for information and update on progress.
b) To consider any areas which it would like to know more about or would like to see accelerated.
Key issues included:
· There was a significant amount of activity within the borough which was ongoing around both Priority 2: Healthy homes, places and communities and Priority 4: Good quality work and maximising income.
· On Priority 2: Healthy homes, places and communities, there were two objectives where no specific group was identified to deliver against the objective. This included:
· Building on the assets and strengths of specific communities to enable residents to identify the services and support they need to develop strong and resilient communities.
· Tackle loneliness and isolation and foster positive social connections among children, young people, working age adults and older adults.
NB. This did not mean that activity around the objectives was not being undertaken, but it did not sit with a specific group.
· On Priority 4: Good quality work and maximising income, there was some focused work being undertaken around work and health, however, further work was required to ensure linkages between the HWBB and the Employment and Skills Board.
The Board discussed 3rd sector involvement as it was felt it wasn’t well recognised in the report, however, it was accepted that despite the report being comprehensive, it was not a full picture of activity. Filling data gaps could be achieved by liaising more closely with the Household Support Fund, Cosey Homes, Healthy Living Team, Shelter, and the Foodbank for example.
Clarity needed to be made on where the Digital Inclusion Agenda would sit going forward.
It was agreed that Digital Inclusion was important, and the Work Well Programme was holding a mobilisation workshop in July 2024. £800,000 had been allocated to BwD, paid in increments, to support residents on the fringes of work (short term unemployed) providing Health and Wellbeing Coaches, Talking Therapies etc to encourage staying in work / employment. The Work Well Programme was only one aspect of the support available and was stemming the tide of long-term unemployment. Concern was expressed that there was a risk that the programme could drive a wedge between service providers and a balanced approach was required. It was important to utilise the 3rd Sector as well as local employers.
It was noted that a further report on the Impact Analysis Metrics for the next 12 months was being planned and would be shared with the Board.
RESOLVED – That the Board
a) Noted the contents of the report which was for information and update on progress.
b) Considered areas which it would like to know more about or would like to see accelerated.
Report author: Mariam Motala
Publication date: 25/09/2024
Date of decision: 19/06/2024
Decided at meeting: 19/06/2024 - Health & Wellbeing Board
Accompanying Documents: