Issue - meetings

10-23-0978 Cmt Report

Meeting: 15/02/2024 - Planning and Highways Committee (Item 66)

66 Planning Application 10-23-0978 pdf icon PDF 1001 KB


Applicant – Mr A Shorrocks


Location and Proposed Development – Vacant Land off Victoria Buildings, Waterside, Darwen


Variation of Condition No.15: “Upgrading of drainage, sub-surface and surface treatment to the footway and carriageway along the length of Victoria Buildings, from its junction with Johnson Road to the access onto the application site, together with junction improvements to the Victoria Buildings and Johnson Road junction”, pursuant to planning application 10/19/0807 "Residential Development of 10 No. detached dwellings including access and associated landscaping."


Decision under Town and Country Planning Acts and Regulations –


RESOLVED – Approved subject to the conditions highlighted in the Director’s Report