Issue - meetings

Remodelling of the Extra Care Housing provision and Reprocurement

Meeting: 08/08/2024 - Executive Board (Item 8)

8 Remodelling of the Extra Care Housing provision and Reprocurement pdf icon PDF 222 KB

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That the Executive Board:


1)    Approve the remodelling plan for the existing Extra Care portfolio in Blackburn with Darwen: i. Extra Care Services at Kingsway, Spring Bank Court, Riverside Heights and Albion Mill will have 24-hour background care with two core care staff onsite. The funding model for each site will be for 10 dedicated daytime care hours plus two waking night staff, in addition to individual costed care and support packages.

 ii. Extra Care Services at Pembroke Court will support those who do not require 24-hour background care and will have 10 dedicated daytime care hours, in addition to individual costed care and support packages. No onsite overnight care will be provided. Note: If demand for care changes these background hours will be reviewed by commissioners.

 iii. The following will be decommissioned as Extra Care Housing facilities; Lees Court, Hindle Court and Cotton Spinners and the future use will be: - Lees Court and Hindle Court – return to Sheltered Housing - Cotton Spinners – scope for Mental Health Supported Living (subject to a separate paper)

iv. As part of the transitional plan, service users at Pembroke Court, Lees Court and Hindle Court, will be offered a social care review which will include how needs will continue to be met, through care and telecare options.


2) Approve timescales for the remodelling and decommissioned work - phased between August to December 2024, following further consultation with tenants and housing providers.


3) Approve the proposal to reprocure all remaining Extra Care provision within one procurement exercise. New Extra Care contracts to be awarded and commence by 8th November 2025.


4) Approve the decision to reprocure Extra Care, based on the following procurement strategy:

i. Undertake an open tender exercise to comply with the Public Contracts Regulations and the Council’s Contract and Procurement Procedure Rules.

 ii. Through the procurement exercise seek to award contracts to two providers which focus on geographic areas i.e. one provider for Blackburn and one provider for Darwen. This will be built into the contract.

iii. Contracts to be for a total of up to 7 years (3 years with extension options of 2 + 1 + 1) and to start from November 2025.

iv. The contract/s for extra care services will include core background support, in addition to individual costed care and support packages which are based on the assessment of eligible needs.

v. The specification will indicate the requirement for staff to have contracted hours, and to work shifts rather than hours based on care undertaken i.e. staff will not work on zero hours contracts.

vi. Nomination agreements will be in place with all housing providers. vii. Pending timely completion of the procurement exercise, a waiver may be required for a short[1]term extension, should there be any slippage (in addition to below).


5) Note that any future Strategic Housing Needs Programme should actively focus on the expansion of suitable housing provision for older people including sheltered housing options. These future  ...  view the full decision text for item 8


The Executive Board was asked to note the completion of the review of Extra Care Housing, and to agree the recommendations related to the re-modelling of future provision, including the decommissioning of under-utilised provision.


The report also detailed the proposed re-procurement strategy for Extra Care services across Blackburn with Darwen. There were currently eight designated Extra Care (housing and care) tenancy-based schemes in the borough: three schemes in Blackburn (174 units of accommodation) and five schemes in Darwen (190 units). Seven schemes were for older people, and one was all age i.e. for people over 18 with a specific housing and care need. Extra Care provisions all had a housing manager on site, and at least one member of staff providing care 24/7 hours per day, although care and support models varied across schemes.


The Authority currently commissioned two providers (three contracts) to provide the on-site care provision, and all three contracts were due for renewal. As part of the Commissioning cycle, a review of schemes had taken place. Although this review identified the positive outcomes Extra Care could deliver, it also identified several issues which needed to be addressed. These included: an over provision of Extra Care Housing in relation to demand and usage; some properties which were not fit for purpose as Extra Care Housing; and inconsistencies across the different contracted care and support models currently in place. The proposals outlined in the report have been developed to make the best use of resources, meet current and future demand, and provide a consistent care and support model across schemes.





That the Executive Board:


1)    Approve the remodelling plan for the existing Extra Care portfolio in Blackburn with Darwen: i. Extra Care Services at Kingsway, Spring Bank Court, Riverside Heights and Albion Mill will have 24-hour background care with two core care staff onsite. The funding model for each site will be for 10 dedicated daytime care hours plus two waking night staff, in addition to individual costed care and support packages.

 ii. Extra Care Services at Pembroke Court will support those who do not require 24-hour background care and will have 10 dedicated daytime care hours, in addition to individual costed care and support packages. No onsite overnight care will be provided. Note: If demand for care changes these background hours will be reviewed by commissioners.

 iii. The following will be decommissioned as Extra Care Housing facilities; Lees Court, Hindle Court and Cotton Spinners and the future use will be: - Lees Court and Hindle Court – return to Sheltered Housing - Cotton Spinners – scope for Mental Health Supported Living (subject to a separate paper)

iv. As part of the transitional plan, service users at Pembroke Court, Lees Court and Hindle Court, will be offered a social care review which will include how needs will continue to be met, through care and telecare options.


2) Approve timescales for the remodelling and decommissioned work - phased between August to December 2024, following further consultation with  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8