Issue - meetings

Replacement planning, land charges and building control software system.

Meeting: 11/07/2024 - Executive Board (Item 10)

10 Replacement planning, land charges and building control software system. pdf icon PDF 157 KB




That the Executive Board:

• Approves the procurement of the new software through the Crown Commercial Services (CCS) Vertical Application Solutions (VAS) framework RM6259 for a 5-year period with the option to extend for a further five number one-year periods.

• Approves a supplementary capital budget of £559k for the scheme.

• Notes that an Executive Member Decision will be submitted by the Executive Member for Digital and Customer Services and the Executive Member for Growth & Development following the tender exercise to award the contract confirming the final financial implications.


A report was submitted seeking approval to procure a new software system to manage the provision of planning, land charges and building control along with the estimated associated budget requirements.


Due to the risks and costs of keeping the current system as it was, a replacement system needed to be purchased and implemented. Over recent years suppliers were no longer investing in on premise systems meaning that, to have the most up to date system which was fully supported by the supplier,  - a shift to a cloud based system was required.


After considering the procurement options, the suggested option was to tender through the Crown Commercial Service, an executive agency of the Cabinet Office. 




That the Executive Board:

• Approves the procurement of the new software through the Crown Commercial Services (CCS) Vertical Application Solutions (VAS) framework RM6259 for a 5-year period with the option to extend for a further five number one-year periods.

• Approves a supplementary capital budget of £559k for the scheme.

• Notes that an Executive Member Decision will be submitted by the Executive Member for Digital and Customer Services and the Executive Member for Growth & Development following the tender exercise to award the contract confirming the final financial implications.