Issue - meetings

Asset Transfer of Statutory Allotments

Meeting: 14/11/2024 - Executive Board (Item 30)

30 Asset Transfer of Statutory Allotments pdf icon PDF 151 KB


(1)        That the asset transfer of the 8 statutory allotments be agreed by way of long leasehold to formal structured community groups that have pre-existing connections to the relevant allotment site:


            Broadfold Allotments

            Ewood Allotments

            Feniscliffe Allotments

            Leyburn Road Allotments

            Queens Park Allotments

            Sunnybank Road Allotments

            Teak Street Allotments

            Witton Park Allotments


(2)        That delegated authority be granted to the Strategic Director of Growth and Development, in consultation with the Deputy Director of Legal and Governance, to agree final terms for the asset transfers; and all associated legal, financial and administrative arrangements.



The Executive Board considered a report which set out a proposal to asset transfer the management and maintenance of 8 allotment sites from the Council to formal structured community groups by way of lease.


Options for the remaining council-owned allotment site at Burnley Road in Blackburn would be brought to a future meeting once plans for the wider Carl Fogarty Way/Imperial Mill area had been finalised.




(1)        That the asset transfer of the 8 statutory allotments be agreed by way of long leasehold to formal structured community groups that have pre-existing connections to the relevant allotment site:


            Broadfold Allotments

            Ewood Allotments

            Feniscliffe Allotments

            Leyburn Road Allotments

            Queens Park Allotments

            Sunnybank Road Allotments

            Teak Street Allotments

            Witton Park Allotments


(2)        That delegated authority be granted to the Strategic Director of Growth and Development, in consultation with the Deputy Director of Legal and Governance, to agree final terms for the asset transfers; and all associated legal, financial and administrative arrangements.