Issue - meetings

Blackburn Town Centre - Site Acquisition and Masterplan

Meeting: 14/11/2024 - Executive Board (Item 31)

31 Blackburn Town Centre - Site Acquisition and Masterplan pdf icon PDF 154 KB

Additional documents:


(1)        That it be noted the former Thwaites Brewery site represents a major development opportunity and was of key strategic importance to Blackburn Town Centre.


(2)        That it be noted that Maple Grove Blackburn Ltd., the joint venture company between the Council and Maple Grove Developments Ltd., had acquired the former Thwaites Brewery site in 2021, for the purpose of preparing the site for future development.


(3)        That the withdrawal of the food store relocation planning application in March 2024, which subsequently instigated a review of the joint venture company arrangements with the recommendations to acquire control of the company and therefore control of the Site, be noted.


(4)        That the purchase of Maple Grove Developments Ltd., financial interest in the joint venture company for the Purchase Price be approved to ensure the Site was delivered as part of a robust masterplan to ensure future development would deliver positive outcomes for the town centre.


(5)        That the revised terms for a 3-year non-exclusive option agreement to Maple Grove Developments Ltd., be approved to acquire a parcel of land as identified on the plan attached at Annex 2, which would support Building 2 being brought forward as a speculative scheme which was part of the Council’s emerging Skills and Cyber campus.


(6)        That subject to compliance with the Council’s Financial procedure Rules in relation to Purchase of Land and Buildings, a capital spend of up to £1,000,000 be approved to cover further land assembly enabling works and masterplan activities and it be noted that this funding would be drawn down from the existing Development Investment fund and therefore required no additional funding.


(7)        That the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules be waived and BDP Architects be appointed to commence work on revising the Town Centre East Development Framework document, published in 2021, to create a robust masterplan for the Blackburn Town Centre East Investment area, and it be noted the Council will consult on a draft of the revised masterplan for the town centre in 2025.


(8)        That delegated authority be granted to the Growth Programme Director, in consultation with the Strategic Director Finance and Resources and Deputy Director of Legal and Governance to agree final terms for the acquisition of Maple Grove Developments Ltd., financial interest in the joint venture company; and all associated legal, financial, administrative and management arrangements of the company.




The Executive Board considered a report on proposals for the Council to take full control of the former Thwaites Brewery site by acquiring the financial interest from Maple Grove Developments Ltd., in the joint venture company.


The site was originally acquired in 2021 by Maple Grove Blackburn, a joint venture company between the Council and Maple Grove Developments Ltd., (part of the Eric Wright Group).  Following acquisition, the joint venture developed plans with Morrisons to relocate their store to the Site.  However, Morrisons withdrew their interest in March 2024.


As a result, the Council intended to revise and consult on an updated masterplan to identify new opportunities for the Site, including employment, leisure, retail and housing uses.


It was noted a new Skills and Cyber Campus was proposed on the existing Brown Street car park site, with the first phase of the development planned to commence in 2025, as illustrated by the plan at Annex 2 attached to the report.  The Council was working closely with partners including the University of Central Lancashire and Training 2000 to finalise the scheme.


It was proposed that BDP Consultants be appointed to prepare an up-to-date town centre masterplan.  They prepared the original Development Framework document for the joint venture company, which was submitted to the Council and used as part of the Local Plan consultations and referenced in the final adopted plan.




(1)        That it be noted the former Thwaites Brewery site represents a major development opportunity and was of key strategic importance to Blackburn Town Centre.


(2)        That it be noted that Maple Grove Blackburn Ltd., the joint venture company between the Council and Maple Grove Developments Ltd., had acquired the former Thwaites Brewery site in 2021, for the purpose of preparing the site for future development.


(3)        That the withdrawal of the food store relocation planning application in March 2024, which subsequently instigated a review of the joint venture company arrangements with the recommendations to acquire control of the company and therefore control of the Site, be noted.


(4)        That the purchase of Maple Grove Developments Ltd., financial interest in the joint venture company for the Purchase Price be approved to ensure the Site was delivered as part of a robust masterplan to ensure future development would deliver positive outcomes for the town centre.


(5)        That the revised terms for a 3-year non-exclusive option agreement to Maple Grove Developments Ltd., be approved to acquire a parcel of land as identified on the plan attached at Annex 2, which would support Building 2 being brought forward as a speculative scheme which was part of the Council’s emerging Skills and Cyber campus.


(6)        That subject to compliance with the Council’s Financial procedure Rules in relation to Purchase of Land and Buildings, a capital spend of up to £1,000,000 be approved to cover further land assembly enabling works and masterplan activities and it be noted that this funding would be drawn down from the existing Development Investment fund and therefore required no additional  ...  view the full minutes text for item 31