Issue - meetings
Corporate Capital Programme and Balance Sheet Monitoring Quarter 2 2024/25
Meeting: 14/11/2024 - Executive Board (Item 33)
33 Corporate Capital Programme and Balance Sheet Monitoring Quarter 2 2024/25 PDF 146 KB
Additional documents:
- Corporate Capital Programme and Balance Sheet Monitoring Quarter 2 2024 25 Appendix 1, item 33
PDF 442 KB
- Capital Monitoring Q2 24-25 Appendix 2 v2, item 33
PDF 657 KB
(1) That the forecast outturn on the Council’s Capital Programme 2024/25 based on the Quarter 2 Budget Monitoring exercise be noted.
(2) That the revised Capital Programme for 2024/25 as set out in Appendix 1 attached to the report and the variations to the Programme as set out in the report and as shown in Appendix 2 attached to the report be approved.
An update on the Council’s Capital Programme for 2024/25 based on a budget monitoring exercise undertaken at the end of September 2024 was submitted for consideration.
As at 30th September 2024 the total capital expenditure across the portfolios was £11.751m which represented 10.56% of the current, revised projected capital spend. The estimated capital receipts figure expected in 2024/25 was £3.484m; £1.506m had been received in the first six months of the year.
The variations in actual spend and resource availability for 2024/25 were summarised by portfolio in Appendix 1 and variations in spending were set out in Appendix 2. It was noted the Capital Programme for 2024/25 had reduced by £1.619m in the second quarter of the year and the reasons for this were detailed in the report.
(1) That the forecast outturn on the Council’s Capital Programme 2024/25 based on the Quarter 2 Budget Monitoring exercise be noted.
(2) That the revised Capital Programme for 2024/25 as set out in Appendix 1 attached to the report and the variations to the Programme as set out in the report and as shown in Appendix 2 attached to the report be approved.