Issue - meetings
Diversion of Public Footpath 101(part) Blackburn
Meeting: 21/11/2024 - Planning and Highways Committee (Item 45)
45 Diversion of Public Footpath 101(part) Blackburn PDF 2 MB
The purpose of the report is to seek committee
approval for a public path order under the Town & Country
Planning Act 1990, Section 257 to divert public footpath 101(part)
A report was submitted to Members of the committee to seek approval for a public path order under the Town & Country Planning Act 1990, Section 257 to divert public footpath 101 (part) Blackburn.
On the 10th January 2024 the Council granted planning permission for a residential development off Haslingden Road in Blackburn (Application 10/23/0616).
Public Footpath 101 Blackburn crosses the development site and in order that the development can be implemented as per the planning approval, it is necessary that this section of the public footpath be diverted. The Council therefore also received an application from the developer, Keepmoat Homes, to divert this affected section of the footpath.
RESOLVED – That the Order be Promoted and authorise the Director of Legal & Governance to progress the necessary legal orders.