Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Conference Room 1, Blackburn Town Hall
No. | Item |
Welcome & Apologies Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Councillors Groves, Hussain and Taylor. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 104 KB Minutes: RESOLVED – That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 23rd January 2019 be confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Declaration of Interest PDF 68 KB Minutes: There were no Declarations of Interest received. |
Consultation on Licensing Act 2003 - Revision of Statement of Policy 2020 PDF 59 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Members were informed of the proposed consultation to be undertaken about the revision of the Licensing Act 2003 Statement of Licensing Policy. This would become the Council’s policy with respect to dealing with applications for licenses and those holding licences to sell alcohol or provide regulated entertainment within the Borough.
The Committee heard that the Licensing Authority, on behalf of the Council, was about to consult on a revised Policy Statement for the Licensing Act 2003. The consultation was being undertaken from 20th July to 11th October 2019, and would be on a national and local level with businesses and organisations that would be affected by the policy. It was also confirmed that residents of the Borough would be consulted through the Councils’ website and residents associations.
The Committee was informed that the policy should be updated every 5 years and as the last policy was adopted in 2015, approval of the revised policy was deemed a key decision and would be considered by Full Council at the meeting scheduled on 23rd January 2020.
The report highlighted notable changes such as:-
· changes to the application process for a personal licence to include a check on the right to work in the UK · the licensing authority’s powers to revoke personal licences where holders have been convicted of relevant offences · inclusion of the list of national, mandatory premises licence conditions
Other amendments were:
· updated information about the borough including the numbers of premises issued with licences · a section on the role of public health, alcohol and licensing
A fully tracked changes version of the revised policy was included within the agenda at Appendix 1.
Members were asked to review the revised policy and to feed back any comments or changes by end of play on Monday, 22nd July 2019.
RESOLVED – That Members note the report and put forward any recommendations they may have for inclusion in the revised policy. |
PART II - THE PRESS AND PUBLIC MAY BE EXCLUDED DURING CONSIDERATION OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS Minutes: RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item in view of the fact that the business to be transacted is exempt by virtue of paragraph 5 Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972. |
Minutes of the Licensing Sub Committees Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received the proceedings of the following Sub Committees
General Licensing Sub Committee 12th February 2019 General Licensing Sub Committee 9th April 2019 General Licensing Sub Committee 11th June 2019
RESOLVED – That the proceedings of the Sub Committees as outlined above were approved as a correct record and signed as a correct record. |