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Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Old Town Hall, Blackburn

Contact: Phil Llewellyn 

No. Item


Prayers by the Mayor's Chaplain, followed by Welcome and Apologies


Following the reading of the notice convening the meeting by the Chief Executive, there then followed Prayers by the Mayor’s Chaplain. Apologies were received from Councillor Liz Johnson.


At this point of the Meeting a Minutes Silence was observed in memory of Baroness Massey of Darwen who had recently passed away.



The Election of Mayor 2024/25


The Chief Executive asked for nominations for the Office of Mayor of the Borough for the ensuing Council year. Councillor Brian Taylor was nominated for Office and declared elected as the Mayor of the Borough for the 2024/2025 Municipal Year.


The newly elected Mayor then assumed the robe and Chain of Office, made and subscribed to the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and took the Chair.



The Election of the Deputy Mayor for 2024/25


The Chief Executive asked for nominations for the Office of Deputy Mayor of the Borough for the ensuing Council year. Councillor Jacquie Slater was nominated for Office and declared elected as the Deputy Mayor of the Borough for the 2024/2025 Municipal Year.


The newly elected Deputy Mayor then assumed the robe and Chain of Office, made and subscribed to the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.



Tribute to the newly Elected Mayor


Councillors Dave Smith and Damian Talbot paid tribute to the newly elected Mayor. The Mayor responded and returned thanks for his election.



Vote of thanks to the retiring Mayor, Councillor Parwaiz Akhtar


Councillors Shaukat Hussain and Phil Riley paid tribute to the retiring Mayor and the Mayoresses/Consorts, for the dedicated work they had undertaken during their term of Office, making reference to the engagements they had attended and activities undertaken in support of the Mayor’s chosen charity for the year.


The Mayor presented badges to Councillor Parwaiz Akhtar and 

badges to the Mayoresses and Consorts. Councillor Akhtar

responded to the tributes received and reflected on the many key

events over the Mayoral year and thanked all those people who had

supported him during his year in office.


At this point there was a short recess to allow the Mayor and guests to leave the meeting.


(The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Jacquie Slater, in the Chair.)



Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 131 KB


RESOLVED – The Minutes of the Council Forum meeting held on 14th March 2024 were agreed as a correct record.



Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 71 KB


No Declarations of Interest were submitted.


Election Results 2024

To note the results of the local Elections held on Thursday 2nd May 2024:



Borough election results Thursday 2 May | Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council



The results of the recent elections were submitted. Members of the Council welcomed the newly elected Councillors, and paid tribute to former Councillors who had not been re-elected.


Council Appointments 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 116 KB

Additional documents:


Members were asked to note the composition and political balance of the Council and approve Council appointments for 2024/25, following the recent elections. Members were also requested to agree the proposed change of date of the next Council Forum meeting.


The report outlined the political composition and balance of the Council,

and proportionality of seats which was also referred to in Appendix 1 of

the report.


In addition, the Council Forum meeting currently scheduled for 25 July 2024  needed to be moved to 27 June 2024 to align with Lancashire County Council and Blackpool Borough Council meeting dates, in order to simultaneously approve a report in respect of the Statutory Instrument establishing the Lancashire Combined County Authority and matters relating to its operational arrangements. 




That Council:


1)    notes the composition and political balance on the Council following the local elections on 2nd May 2024, as referred to in Paragraph 4  and further detailed Appendix 1


2)    notes the appointment of the Executive Board Members and the Deputy Leaders;


3)  notes the Shadow Portfolio Holders;


4)  approves the appointments made to the positions detailed in Paragraph 3, subsection 3; and



(Note: That in the event the Group nominations are not available before the Annual Meeting the decisions on appointment of Members to Committees can be delegated to the Group Leaders to agree the appointments and confirm to the proper officer within the period stated in the Regulations).


5)    approves the change of date of the Council Forum meeting currently scheduled for 25 July 2024 to 27 June 2024.  



The Mayoralty 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 84 KB


Members received a report which confirmed the arrangements for the Mayoralty in 2024/2025, namely that it was the turn of the Labour Group to nominate the Mayor for 2024/25 and Conservative Group the Deputy Mayor for 2024/25, and as confirmed earlier in the meeting, Councillor Brian Taylor would be Mayor for 2024/25 and Councillor Jacquie Slater Deputy Mayor for 2024/25.




That Annual Council:


1) Confirms the appointment of Councillor Brian Taylor as Mayor of the Borough for 2024/25; and


2) Confirms the appointment of Councillor Jacquie Slater as Deputy Mayor of the Borough for 2024/25.


Appointments to Outside Bodies and Partnership Bodies 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 77 KB


The Chief Executive submitted a report on the appointment of representatives to serve on Outside Bodies and Partnership Bodies in 2024/25.


Due to the need to make early appointments to the Lancashire Combined Fire Authority and the Lancashire Police and Crime Panel, nominations were required for both bodies, and as referred to in the report, Councillor Shaukat Hussain had been nominated to serve on the Police and Crime Panel, and Councillors Dave Smith, Zamir Khan and Mustafa Desai had been nominated to serve on the Lancashire Combined Fire Authority.





1.    That following usual practice and subject to the background information in this report, appointments to Outside and Partnership Bodies for 2024/25 be delegated to Group Leaders to agree as soon as possible. 


2.    With reference to 3.1 above, in the event that any appointments cannot be agreed by the Group Leaders, they will be referred to Council for determination. 


3. That Council approves the following appointments:


     - Lancashire Police & Crime Panel: Councillor Shaukat Hussain

- Lancashire Combined Fire & Rescue Authority: Councillor David Smith, Councillor Zamir Khan and Councillor Mustafa Desai.