No. | Item |
Welcome and Apologies/ Minutes of the meeting held on 28th November 2023 |
Significant Partnerships Register 2023/24 The Business Manager, Chief Executives will provide the Committee with a report on the Significant Partnerships Register for 2023/24.
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External Audit - Auditors Annual Report for 2021/22 and 2022/23 The Council’s External Auditors will provide the Committee with their Auditors Annual Report which summarises whether the Council has put in place proper arrangements to secure economy, efficiency and effectiveness in its use of resources for 2021/22 and 2022/23. |
External Audit: Audit Findings Report The Council’s External Auditors will provide the Committee with their Audit Findings Report for 2021/22.
Statement of Accounts 2021/22 The Strategic Director, Finance & Resources will submit the 2021/22 Statement of Accounts for approval.
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Annual Governance Statement for 2021/22 The Strategic Director, Finance & Resources will provide the Committee with updated Annual Governance Statement for 2021/22 for approval. |
Annual Governance Statement for 2022/23 The Strategic Director, Finance & Resources will provide the Committee with updated Annual Governance Statements for 2022/23 for approval. |
Response to the External Auditors Request for Information The Strategic Director, Finance & Resources will provide the Committee with a report on how the Audit & Governance Committee gains assurance from management to inform the External Audit risk assessment for the Council for 2021/22.
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Application of Accounting Policies The Strategic Director, Finance & Resources will provide the Committee with a report on the accounting policies that will be used in the preparation of the Council’s Statement of Accounts for the financial year ending 31 March 2024.
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Treasury Management Report - October 2023 to December 2023 The Strategic Director, Finance & Resources will provide the Committee with a report on Treasury Management activity. |
Audit & Assurance - Progress & Outcomes to January 2024 The Head of Audit & Assurance will report on progress and outcomes achieved within Audit & Assurance.
Audit & Assurance Plan 2024/25, Three Year Strategic Plan and Internal Audit Charter The Head of Audit & Assurance will present the 2024/25 Audit & Assurance Plan, Three Year Strategic Plan and Internal Audit Charter for approval.
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The Head of Legal & Procurement will provide the Committee with a report on the use of Waivers.
Risk Management - 2023/24 Quarter 3 Review The Head of Audit & Assurance will provide the Committee with a report on Risk Management.
Audit & Governance Committee - Effectiveness Assessment 2023/24 The Head of Audit & Assurance will report upon the result of the 2023/24 Audit & Governance Committee effectiveness assessment.
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Part 2: The Press and Public may be excluded during consideration of the following items |