Venue: Venue to be advised
No. | Item |
Welcome and Apologies To welcome those present to the meeting and to receive apologies for absence. |
Declaration of Interests PDF 8 KB To receive any declarations of interest in items on the agenda. |
Minutes of the Meeting held on 18th January 2022. PDF 530 KB To approve as a correct record and to sign the minutes of the meeting held on 18th January 2022. |
Significant Partnerships Register 2021/22 PDF 133 KB The Programme Management Office Manager will provide the Committee with a report on the Significant Partnerships Register for 2021/22 Additional documents: |
External Audit- Audit Committee Progress Report. PDF 5 MB The Council’s External Auditors will provide the Committee with a report on their work. |
Application of Accounting Policies PDF 371 KB The Director of Finance will provide the Committee with a report on the accounting policies that will be used in the preperation of the Council’s Statement of Accounts for the financial year ending 31 March 2022. Additional documents: |
Closure of Accounts 2021/22- Assessment Going Concern Status PDF 496 KB The Director of Finance will provide a report to inform the Committee of an assessment of the Council as a going concern in respect of the production of the 2021/22 Statement of Accounts. |
Treasury Management Report- December 2021 to February 2022. PDF 504 KB The Director of Finance will provide the Committee with a report on Treasury Management activity, including the approved 2022/23 Treasury Management Strategy. Additional documents: |
Audit and Assurance Progress and Outcomes to February 2022 PDF 279 KB The Head of Audit and Assurance will report on progress and outcomes achieved within Audit and Assurance. |
Audit and Assurance Plan 2022/23, Three Year Strategic Plan and Internal Audit Charter. PDF 137 KB The Head of Audit and Assurance will present the 2022/23 Audit and Assurance Three Year Strategic Plan and Internal Audit Charter for Approval Additional documents:
Risk Management- 2021/22 Quarter 3 Review PDF 370 KB The Head Audit and Assurance will provide the Committee with a report on Risk Management. |
2021/22 Audit and Governance Effectiveness Audit PDF 229 KB The Head of Audit and Assurance will repot upon the result of2021/22 Audit and Governance Committee Effectiveness Assessment. Additional documents: |