Venue: Council Chamber, Blackburn Town Hall
No. | Item |
Welcome and Apologies |
Prayers by the Mayor's Chaplain |
Mayoral Communications |
Council Forum To consider questions from members of the public received under Procedure Rule 12. |
To consider Motions submitted under Procedure Rule 12 PDF 46 KB One Motion has been submitted as follows: |
Statement of Licensing Policy PDF 147 KB Additional documents: |
Update from other Committees As two of the three Scrutiny Committees will have only recently met due to the rearranged meetings as a result of the General Election, the Chairs of the Policy and Resources, PLACE and PEOPLE Overview and Scrutiny Committees will verbally update the Council Forum on the work of their Committees. |
Reports of the Executive Members with Portfolios |
Draft Year Planner 2020-21 PDF 76 KB To consider the draft Year Planner for 2020-21, ahead of approval of the final version at Finance Council on 24th February 2020. |
To consider any questions received from Members under Procedure Rule 11 |
PART 2: ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION IN PRIVATE There are no items to be considered under Part 2. |