Venue: Council Chamber, Blackburn Town Hall
No. | Item |
Prayers by the Mayor's Chaplain, followed by Welcome and Apologies |
Mayoral Communications |
Casual Vacancy - Darwen South Ward PDF 143 KB The Mayor has accepted an additional report to be included in the agenda for this meeting, advising Members of a casual vacancy which has arisen in the Darwen South ward. This is due to Andrew Walker no longer being a Councillor.
Council Forum To consider any questions from members of the public under Procedure Rule 12. |
To consider the attached Motion submitted under Procedure Rule 10.
Review of the Policy for the Minimum Revenue Provision and Prudential and Treasury Management Indicators Council Forum is requested to approve the recommendations below as approved by the Executive Board at its meeting on 8th September 2022:
a) the policy on the Minimum Revenue Provision as set out at Appendix A.
b) the amended Prudential Indicators for 2022/23 as set out at Appendix B.
Link to full report and appendices (Agenda Item 8.2):
Agenda for Executive Board on Thursday, 8th September, 2022, 6.00 pm ( |
Updates from other Committees PDF 80 KB To receive an update a joint report from the Chairs of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees. |
Reports of the Executive Members with Portfolios |
Questions from Members To consider any questions received from Members under Procedure Rule 11. |
Revised Year Planner 2022/23 PDF 111 KB To approve the revised Year Planner 2022/23, which reflects the new Scrutiny arrangements. |