Agenda and decisions
Venue: Meeting Room A
No. | Item |
Welcome and Apologies Decision: The Minutes of the Meeting held on 10th January 2019 were agreed as a correct record. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 236 KB To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 10th January 2019 as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interest PDF 70 KB To receive any Declarations of Interest. |
Equality Implications The Chair will ask Members to confirm that they have considered and understood any Equality Impact Assessments associated with reports on this agenda ahead of making any decisions. |
Public Forum To receive written questions or statements submitted by members of the public no later than 4pm on the day prior to the meeting. |
Questions by Non-Executive Members To receive written questions submitted by Non-Executive Members no later than 4pm on the day prior to the meeting.
Youth MPs Update To receive an update from the Youth MPs along with any issues they would like to raise. |
Executive Member Reports Verbal updates may be given by each Executive Member. |
Leader |
Social Integration Programme PDF 144 KB Decision: That the Executive Board:
2.1 Approves the delegation of authority to the Director of Adult Services and Prevention in conjunction with the Director of Finance and Customer Services, in consultation with Leader of the Council, to award contracts to partner organisations to deliver elements of the Social Integration Programme following a competitive commissioning process led by the Social Integration Programme Team.
2.2 Notes that the Local Integration Partnership Board will continue to provide programme Governance to ensure monitoring and evaluation of contracts commissioned in the delivery plan.
2.3 Notes that further reports and presentations will be made to the Executive Board to report on the overall progress of the Social Integration Strategy at a frequency that is able to capture meaningful progress.
Health and Adult Social Care |
Children, Young People and Education |
Environment |
Leisure and Culture |
Neighbourhood and Prevention Services |
Regeneration |
Resources |
Revenue Budget Monitoring: Quarter 3 PDF 176 KB Additional documents:
Decision: The Executive Board is asked to approve:
· the portfolio budget adjustments outlined in Appendix 1. · the Earmarked reserves position at 31st December 2018, as shown in Appendix 2 · the variations to revenue expenditure, as listed in Section 6, giving rise to a balance of £6.038 million in the unallocated General Fund revenue reserve at 31st December 2018.
Capital Budget Monitoring: Quarter 3 PDF 168 KB Additional documents:
Decision: The Executive Board is asked; · to approve the revised capital programme as per Appendix 1, · to approve the variations to the programme shown in Appendix 2
Corporate Issues |
Disposal of Council Land at Tower Road, Blackburn BB2 5LE PDF 158 KB Additional documents:
Decision: That the Executive Board:
2.1 Approves the appointment of Bidder A as preferred bidder.
2.2 Approves the appointment of Bidder B as reserve bidder.
2.3 Acknowledges the objections received for the appropriation of land from Environment and Health & Adult Social Care portfolios to Regeneration & Growth at the Tower Road site.
2.4 Approves the appropriation of land at the Tower Road site from Environment and Health & Adult Social Care portfolios to Regeneration & Growth.
2.5 Delegates authority to the Director of Growth and Development, in consultation with the Executive Member for Regeneration and the Executive Member for Resources, to: • Consider any objections to the proposed disposal of ‘open space’ at Tower Road and if appropriate • Approve the proposed disposal of ‘open space’ at Tower Road.
2.6 Grants permission for Council officers to negotiate Heads of Terms to finalise the terms of the disposal.
2.7 Delegates authority to conclude negotiations, including terms of any land sale and contracts to the Growth Programme Director and Deputy Chief Executive in consultation with the Executive Members for Resources and Regeneration to approve the final heads of terms.
2.8 Authorises the Director of HR, Legal and Governance to complete the necessary legal formalities.
Additional documents: Decision: That the Executive Board note the report from the LGA Peer Team and that a formal response and action plan in relation to the recommendations is being developed for consideration at Council Forum in March 2019. |
Matters referred to the Executive Board |
Disposal of Council Land at Tower Road, Blackburn BB2 5LE
2.1 Approves the appointment of Bidder A as preferred bidder.
2.2 Approves the appointment of Bidder B as reserve bidder.
2.3 Acknowledges the objections received for the appropriation of land from Environment and Health & Adult Social Care portfolios to Regeneration & Growth at the Tower Road site.
2.4 Approves the appropriation of land at the Tower Road site from Environment and Health & Adult Social Care portfolios to Regeneration & Growth.
2.5 Delegates authority to the Director of Growth and Development, in consultation with the Executive Member for Regeneration and the Executive Member for Resources, to: • Consider any objections to the proposed disposal of ‘open space’ at Tower Road and if appropriate • Approve the proposed disposal of ‘open space’ at Tower Road.
2.6 Grants permission for Council officers to negotiate Heads of Terms to finalise the terms of the disposal.
2.7 Delegates authority to conclude negotiations, including terms of any land sale and contracts to the Growth Programme Director and Deputy Chief Executive in consultation with the Executive Members for Resources and Regeneration to approve the final heads of terms.
2.8 Authorises the Director of HR, Legal and Governance to complete the necessary legal formalities. |