Agenda and decisions
Venue: Meeting Room A. View directions
No. | Item |
Welcome and Apologies |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 155 KB Decision: The minutes of the meeting held on 6th July 2023 were agreed as a correct record |
Equality Implications The Chair will ask Members to confirm that they have considered and understood any Equality Impact Assessments associated with reports on this agenda ahead of making any decisions. |
Public Forum To receive written questions or statements submitted by members of the public no later than 4pm on the day prior to the meeting. |
Questions by Non-Executive Members To receive written questions submitted by Non-Executive Members no later than 4pm on the day prior to the meeting.
Youth MPs Update To receive an update from the Youth MPs along with any issues they would like to raise. |
Executive Member Reports Verbal updates may be given by each Executive Member. |
Leader |
Adult Social Care & Health |
Children, Young People & Education |
Foster Carer Allowances uplift including short breaks 2023/24 PDF 185 KB Decision: That the Executive Board considers the report and agrees to uplift foster carer allowances that match the national minimum allowances. This would enable the local authority going forward to base the annual uplift on inflationary basis against the national minimum standards. In addition, the Board considers and agrees the proposed uplift for 2023/24 of 20% for short break payments, which have not been reviewed for some time. |
Staying Put Allowance PDF 194 KB Decision: That the Executive Board: - Notes the position with regard to the varying rates of payments made to BwD Staying Put carers;
- Approves the implementation of Option 3 as the proposed payment structure for all new Staying Put placements, and Page 20 Agenda Item 8.2 EBD: V3/23 Page 2 of 6
- Delegate authority to the Strategic Director of Children & Education (DCS) in consultation with the Executive Member for Children, Young People and Education to review and put in place a Staying Put policy for BwD, incorporating the Option 3 proposal (subject to approval) . |
Environment & Operations |
Public Health, Prevention & Wellbeing |
Digital & Customer Services |
Growth & Development |
Growth Programme 2023-24 PDF 72 KB Additional documents:
Decision: That the Executive Board:
1. Note the excellent growth performance in the Borough as demonstrated by the Growth KPIs attached as Annex A;
2. Note the continued good progress made by officers in delivering the Darwen Town Deal programme;
3. Note the success in securing, through a competitive bidding process, Government Levelling-Up Funding for projects in Blackburn Town Centre and our South East Blackburn transport corridor;
4. Note the continued good progress made by the Council’s two joint venture development companies Barnfield Blackburn Ltd and Maple Grove Blackburn Ltd;
5. Note the Asset Review initiative being progressed by officers to assess the Council’s primary buildings to identify opportunities to improve utilisation or to consolidate and rationalise to release potential disposal or redevelopment opportunities;
6. Approve the Growth Programme for 2023-24 attached as Annex B for officers to progress projects from feasibility stage through to procurement and tender stage as required by project timelines; and
7. Delegate authority to revise the Growth Programme for 2023/24 (by adding, removing or prioritising sites) to the Growth Director in consultation with the Executive Member for Growth & Development. |
Finance & Governance |
Corporate Issues |
Vehicle Replacement Programme PDF 144 KB Decision: It is recommended that the Executive Board authorise the replacement of these old and hired vehicles, using £1,350,000 of the £1.7m that has been earmarked in the 2023-2026 capital programme for vehicle replacement, as part of the procurement strategy for the replacement and management of the Council’s fleet, utilising existing framework providers and/or The Chest, North West Procurement Portal |
Corporate Plan Performance Update PDF 209 KB Additional documents:
Decision: That the Executive Board:
1. Note the overall performance against the delivery of the Council’s strategic objectives as illustrated in Appendix One Performance
2. Note the remedial action to improve delivery against the 2019-2023 Corporate priorities which are giving cause for concern, as outlined in Appendix Two Exception Reports
3. Note the proposed suite of performance measures for the Corporate Plan 2023 -2027, detailed in Appendix 3 |
Matters referred to the Executive Board |