Agenda, decisions and minutes
No. | Item |
Darwen Resource Centre - Service Relocation and Disposal PDF 144 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RECOMMENDATIONS That the Executive Member: 1. Notes Darwen Resource Centre was confirmed surplus by the Asset Management Group in June 2024 following a review of Council assets in 2023/24 which was summarised and presented to Finance Council in February 2024; 2. Notes a joint Council and NHS service currently operates from the building and therefore, subject to agreement requires relocation to enable continuity of the service and onward disposal of the Property; 3. Approves the plan to relocate the service from Darwen Resource Centre to Darwen Town Hall, subject to necessary agreements/consents from NHS; 4. Approves the estimated gross capital costs for the refurbishment work of £150,000 and notes the funding will be drawn down from the Development Investment Fund with all capital planned to be expended over financial year 2024/25; EMD: V2/23 Page 2 of 5 5. Delegates authority to the Growth Programme Director to proceed with the procurement and appointment of consultants and contactors to undertake the works as well as obtaining any approvals necessary for the works all in accordance with procurement legislation and the Councils Contracts & Procurement Procedures Rules; 6. Approves the commencement of marketing for disposal of Darwen Resource Centre in accordance with the Council’s disposal policy; and 7. Authorises the Growth Programme Director in liaison with the Deputy Director of Legal and Governance to finalise the contract terms of the contractor appointment for the refurbishment works. |