Agenda, decisions and minutes
No. | Item |
Welcome & Apologies Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies were received on behalf of Sam Proffitt, Catherine Taylor, Vicky Shepherd, and Sarah Johns.
Declaration of Interest Minutes: There were no Declarations of Interest received.
Minutes of Previous Meeting Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on 5th December 2023 were submitted for approval. The following amendments were noted;
· That Dilwara Ali be placed in the Voluntary Sector section of Attendees. · Item 36 – That Vicky Shepherd co-presented the Age Well update with Katherine White. · Item 37 – That Vicky Shepherd did not co-present the Better Care Fund presentation.
RESOLVED – That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 5th December 2023 be agreed as a correct record subject to the inclusion of the amendments outlined above.
Public Questions · None Submitted
Minutes: The Chair informed the Board that no public questions had been received. |
Public Health Annual Report 2024 · Presentation
RESOLVED – That the Board welcomed the Public Health Annual Report.
Minutes: The Director of Public Health, Abdul Razak, shared a video presentation of the Public Health Annual Report 2024.
The Board was asked to welcome the annual report, highlighting the support offered to communities, and the innovative way of presenting action in settings across Blackburn with Darwen.
The Public Health annual report 2024 focused on public health practice in BwD across Start Well, Live Well and Age Well. The video exemplified the work of professionals, schools, and service users in our communities to enhance health and wellbeing for them to thrive and prosper.
The Board agreed that the non-technical presentation was very accessible and gave a flavour of collective and partnership working across Blackburn with Darwen. It was noted that the report was 6 months in the making and there was a repository of clips not included in the final report that would be made available via the website and other forums. There would also be opportunity to add additional information and links to services.
The Board welcomed the suggestion that the presentation be shared with Youth Forums and Head Teachers that hadn’t signed up to the Smile 4 Life award scheme and Give Up Loving Pop (GULP).
The Board agreed that many Blackburn with Darwen residents had longstanding health issues, and although it was important to have a good start in life, we should also assist those already in the system.
RESOLVED – That the Board welcomed the Public Health Annual Report.
Lancashire & South Cumbria ICB and Place Based Partnership Update Decision: RESOLVED – That the Board;
a) Noted the update on the development of the Blackburn with Darwen Place Based Partnership and the collaborative delivery that was underway to integrate health and care for the residents of Blackburn with Darwen b) Note the update regarding the financial recovery work underway within Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board.
Minutes: The Director of Health and Care Integration, Claire Richardson, presented the Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB and Place Based Partnership Update.
The Board was recommended to note the update on the development of the Blackburn with Darwen Place Based Partnership and the collaborative delivery that was underway to integrate health and care for the residents of Blackburn with Darwen. The Board was also asked to note the update regarding the financial recovery work underway within Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board.
The paper provided the Board with an update on progress in developing Place Based Partnership arrangements for Blackburn with Darwen. It intended to ensure that the Board were fully sighted on progress during the development and subsequent phases of the partnership arrangements. It also included a summary of areas of work that had been undertaken since the last report to the board. The report also provided an update from the Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board.
The Board agreed that positive networking and collaboration, specifically with GPs, was improving and there was a strong commitment to work together.
The Board acknowledged it was difficult to forward plan due to funding and deficit pressures that hadn’t yet filtered down, and the Voluntary Sector didn’t have a clear picture of what the ICB was commissioning. An invitation to commission the Bowel Cancer screening program had been extended, with the hope it would filter down to Place. Abdul Razak notified the Board that a conversation was ongoing with the Cancer Alliance. Angela Allen advised the Board that Macmillan Champions and Early Help Hubs for young people, with particular focus on Mental Health services, was being planned. It was acknowledged that there was opportunity to look at the financial spend for Blackburn with Darwen residents and that flexibility was needed.
RESOLVED – That the Board;
a) Noted the update on the development of the Blackburn with Darwen Place Based Partnership and the collaborative delivery that was underway to integrate health and care for the residents of Blackburn with Darwen b) Note the update regarding the financial recovery work underway within Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board.
Multi-Agency Adults Safeguarding Policy Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED – That the Board;
a) Accepted, would embed, and promote the Multi-Agency Adults Safeguarding Policy / Procedure for Safeguarding Adults at Risk with all relevant partners within Blackburn with Darwen. b) Would receive and welcome a Review of the Mult-Agency Adults Safeguarding Policy and its evidence-based outcomes in 12 months.
Minutes: The Strategic Director of Adults and Health, Mark Warren, presented the Multi-Agency Adults Safeguarding Policy.
The Board was recommended to accept, embed, and promote the Multi-Agency Adults Safeguarding Policy / Procedure for Safeguarding Adults at Risk with all relevant partners within Blackburn with Darwen.
The paper provided the Board with an update of the operational procedure, clarified the values and culture that underpinned how to work with adults at risk, and how to support individuals to stay safe, well, and live free from abuse and neglect. It also explained the process of raising an adult safeguarding concern, and, subsequently, Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council’s statutory duties and powers to undertake safeguarding enquiries, where there were concerns about the abuse, harm, or neglect of an adult at risk.
Mark Warren shared the background and rationale for the updated policy and shared the key issues. He advised the board that once in agreement, and all feedback had been considered at the next Safeguarding Adults Board meeting, the Multi-Agency Operational Policy / Procedure for Safeguarding Adults at Risk would be rolled out, implemented, and embedded in all Safeguarding Adults practice.
Appendix 1 provided the Operational Procedures for Safeguarding Adults at Risk. Mark Warren advised the Board that “Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council” would be removed from the title page to encourage multi-agency take up.
Mark Warren also advised that training resources would need to be updated in order that they reflect the Policy. He confirmed there was absolute clarity of the processes and accountability was now in place.
The Chair, Cllr Damian Talbot, acknowledged it was a concern that BwD did not have a Safeguarding Adults Policy or Board previously, but that huge progress had been made in the past year. He reiterated the need for it to be more than just a document and that it should be presented to other Networks / Boards.
The Board was reassured that the policy was in alignment with the Child Protection – Information Sharing (CP-IS) service and the East Lancs Hospital Trust and would be marketed / shared with all stakeholders; to be utilised by Lancashire County Council, Blackpool, and South Cumbria. The Head of Social Care (Social Work and Integration) Adults, Brendan Gray, was leading on its roll out with Pan-Lancs colleagues.
The Board was advised that marketing was still in its infancy, but there were 5 x working groups (including Comms and Training) that were working on interfacing with existing websites.
RESOLVED – That the Board;
a) Accepted, would embed, and promote the Multi-Agency Adults Safeguarding Policy / Procedure for Safeguarding Adults at Risk with all relevant partners within Blackburn with Darwen. b) Would receive and welcome a Review of the Mult-Agency Adults Safeguarding Policy and its evidence-based outcomes in 12 months.
Live Well: Physical and Mental Health Update Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED – That the Board noted the contents of the report and the update on progress.
Minutes: The Director of Public Health, Abdul Razak, presented the Live Well: Mental and Physical Health and Wellbeing Report, with an update on delivery of the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy ‘Live Well’ priorities and actions, specifically those relating to mental and physical health and wellbeing. The Report provided background information and was intended to provide assurance to the Board that the vision and priorities within the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy were being delivered, and the need for clear reporting arrangements between the Board and any key strategic groups.
The Board was asked to note the contents of the report and the update on progress.
Abdul Razak advised the Board that the Combating Drugs Partnership (CDP) was formerly known as the Drug and Alcohol Team (DAAT). He also shared that the Trauma Informed Strategic Forum was working towards Kite Mark accreditation and that embedded training for Early Years, Education and Communities was ongoing.
Appendix A highlighted reports from Key Groups;
· Eat Well Move More Strategic Group (EWMM), · The Health Protection Board, · The Changing Futures Board, · The Combating Drugs Partnership, · The Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Strategic Group and · The Trauma Informed Strategic Forum
Abdul Razak reminded the Board that it was previously agreed to separate the reports and highlight Good Practice. He also shared that Claire Ramwell, Head of Service for Leisure, Health and Wellbeing, Libraries, Cultural Services and Sport England was leading on the launch of the We Are Undefeatable campaign in June 2024, which would be grown and extended to share the stories of BwD residents living with long term conditions.
The Board was advised that work was being developed on the Outbreak Plan, linked to the Integrated Care Board, Public Health, and Local Government to protect local communities.
The Board recommended the voice of children / young people should be heard as part of the report. There were reciprocal groups within Children’s / Drug Partnerships / Youth Forums that were well situated to be included. It was acknowledged that it was important to approach multiple needs (physical and mental) holistically and not to presume children’s services begins and ends with Start Up. Self-Harm, Trauma Informed adverse childhood experiences, drugs (including tobacco and vaping products) were all noted to be on the increase in our young population.
The Board acknowledged the Place Based Partnership was on a journey and could become a real pathfinder. It was agreed there was a level of integration required that wasn’t there yet. The Third Sector (Foodbanks/ Shelter / Debt Support etc) need to be part of the big conversation. Shared records would enable residents to maximise their independence and allow services to better coordinate support and anticipate need. Although anonymisation across multiple data sets was possible, Data Protection was raised as a concern. Capacity and Digital Transformation need to be sped up to accommodate further integration.
RESOLVED – That the Board noted the contents of the report and the update on progress.
Additional documents: Decision:
a) Noted the development of plans to improve end of life care in Blackburn with Darwen and across the wider Lancashire and South Cumbria footprint. b) Agreed to the establishment of a BwD Dying Well Steering Group - to collaboratively refine the improvement plan for palliative and end of life care and to oversee its delivery.
Minutes: The Director of Health and Care Integration, Claire Richardson, shared a presentation and update on the ‘Palliative and End of Life Care (PEOLC) and Dying Well’ work programme across Lancashire and South Cumbria, and Blackburn with Darwen.
The report also provided the Board with an overview of key emerging priorities for Blackburn with Darwen regarding improved palliative and end of life care following a recent “Getting to Outstanding” review.
The presentation covered the following topics;
· Our Place Based Partnership Priorities, · The Integrated Care Strategy (Ambitions for Palliative and End of Life Care), · Place Self-Assessment and baselining, · Health Watch – Dying Well – Views and Experiences of Residents in Blackburn with Darwen, · Key Opportunities for improvement in BwD and · Next Steps
Appendix A Report: “Dying Well – Views and Experiences of Residents in Blackburn with Darwen”
The Director of Public Health, Abdul Razak, welcomed the creation of the BwD Dying Well Steering Group and volunteered his services. This was gladly accepted by Claire Richardson.
The Board welcomed the report and acknowledged it was refreshing to note young people’s opinion.
The Board agreed that many residents did not know how to source help. Resources needed to be pulled together coherently to make them more accessible.
The Board also noted that any key actions should involve Family Support, Hospices, SPARK, Drug and Alcohol Services, The Swan Team, local schools etc. Consideration should also be given to “What comes after Bereavement”, not only in the event of an expected death, but unexpected death too.
a) Noted the development of plans to improve end of life care in Blackburn with Darwen and across the wider Lancashire and South Cumbria footprint. b) Agreed to the establishment of a BwD Dying Well Steering Group - to collaboratively refine the improvement plan for palliative and end of life care and to oversee its delivery.
Annual Review and update of Health & Wellbeing Board Terms of Reference Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED – That the Board noted all recommendations in relation to the Annual Review and Update of Health and Wellbeing Board Terms of Reference.
Minutes: The Director of Public Health, Abdul Razak, presented the Annual Review and update to the Terms of Reference for the Health and Wellbeing Board for approval by the Board.
The Board was recommended to note that the current terms of reference of the Health and Wellbeing Board had been reviewed and no changes were required since the last agreed version in December 2022 (refer to Appendix 1).
To also note that the terms of reference be further reviewed in 12 months’ time and annually thereafter. Furthermore, to note that the ICB and NHS Trust Boards must publish their statement to identify key information on health inequalities and set out how they have responded to it in annual reports under the NHS England’s statement on information on health inequalities (duty under section 13SA of the National Health Service Act 2006).
Abdul Razak advised the Board that data expected to be published was outlined at: The update on the statement would be incorporated into the future ICB and Place Based update reports to the Health and Wellbeing Board.
The Board agreed to extend invitations to the Integrated Care Board, Primary Care Network and Lancashire and South Cumbria Foundation Trust as statutory members of the Health and Wellbeing Board.
RESOLVED – That the Board noted all recommendations in relation to the Annual Review and Update of Health and Wellbeing Board Terms of Reference.
Any Other Business Minutes: There was no other business.
Forward Plan Proposed Items for Next meeting
• CDOP Annual Report • Local Authority Healthy Weight Declaration Minutes: The proposed items for the next meeting to include:
• Place Based Partnership Update (2024 Q2) • CDOP Annual Report • Local Authority Healthy Weight Declaration
Date & Time of Next Meeting 4th June 2024 6.00pm – 8.00pm Minutes: The next meeting was scheduled to take place on 4th June 2024 at 6pm. |