Agenda and minutes
Venue: Meeting Room A, Blackburn Town Hall
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Welcome and Apologies Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Cllr Jacquie Salter who was substituted by Cllr Derek Hardman, Cllr Sabahat Imtiaz who was substituted by Cllr Jackie Floyd, Cllr Paul Marrow who was substituted by Cllr Neil Slater and Cllr Paul Browne. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting Minutes: RESOLVED – That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 21st July 2022 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
Declaration of Interest Minutes: RESOLVED – A Declaration of Interest was received from Cllr Quesir Mahmood in relation to agenda item 4.5 planning application 22/0682 as the applicant was his daughter. |
Planning Applications for Determination Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered reports of the Strategic Director of Place detailing the planning applications.
In considering the applications, the Committee took into account representations or submissions provided by individuals with the Officers answering points raised during discussion thereon. |
Planning Application 22/0038 Minutes: Applicant – Darwen Bars and Leisure
Location and Proposed Development – Warehouse at Hacking Street, Darwen, BB3 1AL
Full Planning Application for change of use from ware/distribution (use class B8) to Children’s play centre (use class E[d]) with external alterations.
Decision under Town and Country Planning Acts and Regulations –
RESOLVED – Approved subject to the conditions highlighted in the Directors Report
Planning Application 22/0419 Minutes: Speaker – Mr Cleveland Forty
Applicant – Mr Cleveland Forty
Location and Proposed Development – Knowsley Farm, Knowsley Lane, Edgworth, Bolton, BL7 0JH
Construction and operation of a combined ground mounted solar PV array (7kW) and wind turbine (5.5kW) with a maximum tip height of 17.5m
Decision under Town and Country Planning Acts and Regulations –
RESOLVED – Approved subject to the conditions highlighted in the Directors Report
Planning Application 22/0430 Minutes: Applicant – Mr Majid Anwar
Location and Proposed Development – 5 Chestnut Gardens, Blackburn, BB1 6PS
Full Planning Application for Extension to rear single storey and erection of a front porch. Alteration to rear garden levels and replacement party and side/rear boundary wall (retrospective)
Decision under Town and Country Planning Acts and Regulations –
RESOLVED – Approved subject to the conditions highlighted in the Directors Report
Planning Application 22/0509 Minutes: Applicant – S Issa
Location and Proposed Development – Land and Properties North of Billinge End Road, Blackburn, BB2 6PY
Variation/Removal of Condition/Minor Material Amendment for Variation of Condition Nos 4 "Construction Method Statement", 10 "revised tree protection measures and working practices", 11 "revised landscaping scheme" and 23 "revised scheme relating to design of proposed housing (increase to ridge height; increase to depth of dwellings; increase to glazing on the ground and lower ground floors; relocation of access points and driveways to Plots 3-5" pursuant to planning application 10/18/0396 "Residential development of 5 no. dwelling following demolition of existing buildings"
Decision under Town and Country Planning Acts and Regulations –
RESOLVED – Approved subject to the conditions highlighted in the Director’s Report.
Planning Application 22/0682 Minutes: Cllr Quesir Mahmood left the meeting due to a declaration of interest
Applicant – Ms Isma Mahmood
Location and Proposed Development – 27 Livingstone Road, Blackburn, BB2 6NF
Erection of porch and double and single storey rear extension and works to rear to raise garden level
Decision under Town and Country Planning Acts and Regulations –
RESOLVED – Approved subject to the conditions highlighted in the Director’s Report and the additional condition in the Update Report;
Condition 5:
Prior to their construction, detailed plans of the retaining structures required to facilitate the raised garden levels hereby approved, together with structural engineers calculations (where relevant) and details of external finishes, shall have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter be implemented in strict accordance with the agreed details and materials.
REASON: In order to agree the scope of those works, in the interests of visual amenity, and to comply with the requirements of Policy 11 of the Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council Local Plan Part 2, Site Allocations and Development Management Policies (Adopted 2015).