Agenda and minutes
Venue: Meeting Room A, Blackburn Town Hall
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Welcome and Apologies Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Councillor Zamir Khan and Councillor Jim Shorrock was substituted by Councillor Brian Taylor. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting Minutes: RESOLVED - The Minutes of the Meeting held on 15th February 2024 were agreed as a correct record. |
Declaration of Interest Minutes: Councillor Brian Taylor declared an interest in Agenda Item 4.2 – Falcon Avenue, Darwen (had previously commented on the Planning Application – Nature of Interest – Pre-judgement). |
Planning Applications for Determination Minutes: The Committee considered reports of the Strategic Director of Place detailing the planning applications.
In considering the applications, the Committee took into account representations or submissions provided by individuals with the Officers answering points raised during discussion thereon.
Planning Application 10-23-0769 Minutes: Applicant – Vali Investment Ltd.
Location and Proposed Development- Land at the junction of Harrison Street / Sumner Street Blackburn.
Full Planning Application for change of use of former builders’ yard to a car park to serve the Grand Venue, including land level alterations (part retrospective). Site Address: Land at the junction of Harrison Street / Sumner Street Blackburn.
Decision under Town and Country Planning Acts and Regulations –
RESOLVED – Approved subject to the conditions highlighted in the Directors report and the amended wording of the following conditions in the Update report:
Prior to commencement of any further works hereby approved, details of ground levels, earthworks and excavations to be carried out in proximity to the railway shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Development shall proceed in strict accordance with the approved detail.
REASON: In the interests of protecting the railway and its users from construction activities, in accordance with Policy DM02 of the Blackburn with Darwen Borough Local Plan 2021 - 2037. |
Planning Application 10-23-1161 Minutes: Speaker – James Berggren (Agent)
Applicant – Thistlewood Properties Ltd.
Location and Proposed Development - Former Hollins Grove Liberal Club Falcon Avenue Darwen BB3 1QX.
Variation of Condition No.2 "approved drawings" pursuant to planning application 10/21/0148 "Erection of Use Class E Convenience Store with Staff/Storage at First Floor and 16 Customer Parking Spaces and Delivery Area" - revisions to the boundary treatment from low brick wall to the western boundary to a 0.75m high timber knee rail fence; a new 1m high wall (white render with coping stones on top) to replace the former red brick wall along small section of Falcon Avenue boundary frontage (drawing reference: 0175(P)103 rev C (retrospective).
Decision under Town and Country Planning Acts and Regulations –
RESOLVED – Approved subject to the conditions highlighted in the Director’s report. |
Planning Application 10-23-1165 & 10-23-1166 Minutes: Speaker- Les Cade on behalf of Jemma Schofield (Objector).
Applicant – Mr S Desai
Location and Proposed Development - 432 Preston Old Road, Blackburn, BB2 5LP.
(1) Advertisement Consent (10/23/1165): Installation of new illuminated fascia sign and retention of illuminated hanging barber pole sign (part-retrospective) (2) Section 73 (10/23/1166): Variation of Conditions 2 "approved drawings ", and 7 "restrict use within Use Class E(a)" and removal of Conditions 1 ‘’implementation period’’, 4 ‘’security shutter details’’ and 6 ‘’construction working hours’’ pursuant to planning application 10/22/0259, involving the "Change of use from a residential dwelling to a retail shop at ground and basement floor level with a first floor level apartment and installation of a shopfront and security shutter " – to allow for the retention of the barbers (Use Class E[c]) and alterations to shop frontage design (retrospective).
Decision under Town and Country Planning Acts and Regulations -
RESOLVED – Approved subject to the conditions highlighted in the Director’s report. |
Planning Application 10-24-0045 Minutes: Applicant: Mr A Panchal.
Location and Proposed Development – Longworth Bank Farm Blackburn Road Edgworth Bolton BL7 0QF.
Full Planning Application for Proposed single storey rear and side extension including double storey extension to front.
Decision under Town and Country Planning Acts and Regulations –
RESOLVED – Approved subject to the conditions highlighted in the Director’s report. |
Planning Application 10-24-0110 Minutes: Speaker – Mrs Aisha Hussain (Agent).
Applicant – Mr Amar Abbas.
Location and Proposed Development - Unity House First Floor 49-51 Preston New Road Blackburn BB2 6AE Applicant:
Minor Material Amendment: Removal of Condition No. 6 "temporary time restriction" and Variation of Condition No. 7 "opening hours" pursuant to planning application 10/21/1312 " Change of use of first floor from E(G)(i) Offices to F1(a) Educational Class Rooms (retrospective)" to remove temporary permission limitation and allow permanent opening hours of 09:00 - 21:00.
Decision under Town and Country Planning Acts and Regulations –
RESOLVED – Approved subject to the conditions highlighted in the Director’s report.