Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Blackburn Town Hall
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Welcome and Apologies Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
There were no apologies received. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 130 KB Minutes: RESOLVED – That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 23rd May 2024 be approved and signed a correct record. |
Declaration of Interest PDF 13 KB Minutes: A Declaration of Interest was received from Cllr Dave Smith with regards to Planning Application 10/23/0702, 16 Cranshaw Drive, Blackburn. |
Minutes: The Committee considered reports of the Strategic Director of Place detailing the planning applications.
In considering the applications, the Committee took into account representations or submissions provided by individuals with the Officers answering points raised during discussion thereon.
Planning Application 10-23-0702 PDF 2 MB Minutes: Cllr Dave Smith left the meeting due to this declaration of interest.
Cllr Sabahat Imtiaz Chaired this item.
Speaker – Tina Bennett (Objector)
Applicant – Mr Mohammed Asif Jamil
Location and Proposed Development – 16 Cranshaw Drive, Blackburn, BB1 8RE
Full Planning Application for: Proposed raising of roof by approximately 1200mm and erection of dormers to create additional living space.
Decision under Town and Country Planning Acts and Regulations –
RESOLVED – Approved subject to the conditions highlighted in the Directors Report.
Planning Application 10-24-0020 PDF 1 MB Minutes: Applicant – Ritherdon & Company Limited
Location and Proposed Development – Lorne Street Car Park, Lorne Street, Darwen
Full Planning Application (Regulation 4) for Reconfiguration of car park with associated landscaping and insertion of trip rail style fencing and removable bollards.
Decision under Town and Country Planning Acts and Regulations –
RESOLVED – Approved subject to the conditions highlighted in the Directors Report.
Planning Application 10-24-0388 & 10-24-0390 PDF 1 MB Minutes: Applicant – Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council
Location and Proposed Development – Imperial Mill, Gorse Street, Blackburn, BB1 3EU
Full Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent: Works to Imperial Mill consisting of a programme consisting of Roof Works and Window Protection including boarding up windows, incorporating the replacement of Rainwater Goods.
Decision under Town and Country Planning Acts and Regulations –
RESOLVED – Approved subject to the conditions highlighted in the Directors Report.
Planning Application 10-24-0430 & 10-24-0460 PDF 2 MB Minutes: Applicant – Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council
Location and Proposed Development – King Georges Hall, Northgate, Blackburn, BB2 1AA
Full Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent: Works on King Georges Hall, consisting of the replacement of external windows and doors, stonework restoration and repointing
Decision under Town and Country Planning Acts and Regulations –
RESOLVED – Approved subject to the conditions highlighted in the Directors Report.
To inform Members of the receipt of a letter
objecting to a current planning application relating to the
erection of ‘industrial unit(s) (use class B2) with storage
yard (use class B8)’ on land at Garden Street, Blackburn. The
letter received does not contain any signatures, yet it is
addressed from the ‘Residents of Hornby Court’. No
individuals are named on the letter. Minutes: Members were informed of the receipt of a letter objecting to a current planning application relating to the erection of ‘industrial unit(s) (use class B2) with storage yard (use class B8)’ on land at Garden Street, Blackburn. The letter received did not contain any signatures, although it was addressed from the ‘Residents of Hornby Court’. No individuals were named on the letter.
The planning application (Ref: 10/24/0239) was received by the Council on 5th March 2024, and was subsequently validated on 15th May 2024. 99 notification letters were sent to the neighbours and occupants of the nearest adjacent properties. The statutory 21-day consultation period expired on 6th June 2024 for those letters. A site notice was also displayed outside of the site on 30th May 2024, which expires on 23rd June 2024. This is the only public objection received so far.
The objection letter was received by the Council on 2nd June 2024. The comments within the letter make initial reference to the ongoing disruptions caused by the adjacent cement works, which was approved under application 10/20/0169 under delegated powers.
The letter then raises concerns regarding the potential for those existing issues to be exacerbated by the works that form part of this application. Concerns have been raised regarding additional commercial traffic movements and a suggestion was made to use an alternate access point from Dixon Street, which would involve the construction of a bridge over the River Blakewater. Concerns in the way of losses of light are also raised in relation to the proposed units.
Members were advised that assessment of the planning application is ongoing and that all material issues that must be considered in the decision-making process will be addressed during the course of the application. Once finalised, the Officer Report will be forwarded to the Committee Chairman to clarify whether or not the application should be referred to Planning and Highways Committee for determination. The statutory 8-week determination period expires on 10th July 2024.
RESOLVED – That the petition be noted. |
Enforcement Minutes: A report was submitted to obtain authorisation for enforcement action against all persons having an interest in the land at Hall Moss Farm, Bolton Road, Darwen. Background information including grounds for the request were outlined in the report.
RESOLVED – Authorisation was granted for the enforcement to be undertaken at Land at Hall Moss Farm, Bolton Road, Darwen.