No. | Item |
Welcome and Apologies To welcome those present to the meeting and to receive any apologies for absence. |
Declaration of Interest PDF 8 KB To receive any declarations of interest on items on the agenda. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 462 KB To receive and agree as a correct record, the minutes of the previous meeting held on 2nd December 2019. |
Progress on the Corporate Priorities by Portfolio To receive an update on the Corporate Priorities. |
Youth MP and Deputies To welcome the new Youth MP and Deputies and to receive an update on their key priorities for the forthcoming year. |
Covid-19 To consider the authorities potential response to the Covid-19 virus and action plans that could be implemented. |
Coronavirus EM Briefing March 2020 v1 03032020 PDF 408 KB Additional documents: |
Integrated Care System and Population Health Plan Priorities. PDF 220 KB To receive an update on the Draft Integrated Cars System Strategy. |
ICS Commissioning Reform PDF 236 KB To receive an update from The CCG Additional documents: |