
No. Item


Welcome and Apologies

To welcome those present to the meeting and to receive any apologies for absence.


Minutes of the meeting held on 5th July 2021. pdf icon PDF 208 KB

To approve as a correct record and to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 5th July 2021.


Declaration of Interests pdf icon PDF 91 KB

To receive any declarations of interest from members on items on the agenda.


Lancashire and South Cumbria Pathology Collaboration pdf icon PDF 215 KB

To receive a presentation on the planned formation of a single pathology service for Lancashire and South Cumbria.

Additional documents:


Proposed Enhancements to Acute Stroke Care and Rehabilitation for Lancashire and South Cumbria pdf icon PDF 242 KB

To receive an outline on the proposals for the enhancement to Acute Stroke Care and Rehabilitation for Lancashire and South Cumbria.

Additional documents:


Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership up-Date

To receive an update on the progress of the Integrated Care System for Lancashire and South Cumbria.


Blackburn with Darwen Healthwatch

To Receive an update on the work of the Blackburn with Darwen Healthwatch and how the committee and Healthwatch can work together.