
No. Item


Welcome and Apologies

To welcome those present to the meeting and to receive apologies for absence.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 7 KB

To receive any declarations of interest in items on the agenda.


Minutes of the meeting held on 11th October 2021 pdf icon PDF 229 KB

To approve as a correct record and to sign the minutes of the meeting held on 11th October 2021.


Eat Well, Move More, Shape Up Strategy Refresh 2021/25 pdf icon PDF 254 KB

To Review the Strategy of the Health and Wellbeing Board and adopted by the Executive Board. Members will be aware that the scrutiny of the work of the Health and Wellbeing Board is a duty of this Committee and the Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board will attend.

Additional documents:


Progress of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees pdf icon PDF 212 KB

To review progress of the People and Place Overview and Scrutiny Committees.