Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Meeting Room A. View directions

No. Item


Welcome and Apologies


The Chair welcomed all present to the Meeting, and asked all to introduce themselves.


Apologies were received from Councillors Hussain S and Hussain W, Connor, Fazal and Slater.


The Chair passed on thanks to his former Chair Kevin Connor, and also to Phil Llewellyn, who was attending his last meeting of the Committee ahead of starting a new job at another local authority.



Minutes of the last meeting pdf icon PDF 108 KB


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 11th March 2024 were agreed as a correct record.


The Chair noted that at the last meeting, Digital Inclusion had been identified as an item that would be appropriate to revisit at a future point.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 72 KB


No Declarations of Interest were received.


Work Programme 2024/25

The Committee will receive information from the Leader and the Executive Members for Finance & Governance and Digital & Customer Services on their priorities and objectives for 2024/25, which will assist the Committee in agreeing its Work Programme for 2024/25.


It is recommended that the Committee choose one main area of focus for each subsequent meeting, in order that effective scrutiny can take place and the Work Programme be agreed.


The Leader and Executive Members for Finance and Governance and Digital & Customer Services presented their priorities and objectives for 2024/25 as follows:




·       The Lancashire Devolution Deal/Lancashire Combined Authority


 The approval of a Combined County Authority for Lancashire will present

 an opportunity for more control and influence over local growth and have

   a positive impact on residents and businesses of the borough. Supporting

     the implementation of the proposed Lancashire Combined County

     Authority, creation of a new Business Board, establishing an

     economic strategy and skills plan and strategic transport framework

     to drive shared priorities.


·       Local Plan 2021-2037


     Drive forward the Local Plan for 2021-2037, including bringing forward

     new residential and employment land opportunities the adopted

     Local Plan affords the Borough and supporting policy development



·       Ongoing delivery of the Council’s Strategic Asset Management Plan 2023-2026



     A strategic view of our asset portfolio will help deliver our corporate

     priorities, grow our borough and achieve best value and return from all our



Finance & Governance:


·       Budget


     Continue working to achieve a balanced and sustainable budget.


·       Recruitment and Retention


     Address the ongoing challenges faced by local government by developing

     targeted approaches to improve recruitment and retention.


·       Council Services


     Give value for money in the services the Council delivers, endeavouring to

     be fair and equitable.



Digital & Customer Services:


·       Cyber Security


      The implementation of the Cyber Security strategy and improvements to

       our cyber defence to ensure long-term resilience against cyberattacks.


·       Health & Safety and Civil Contingencies


       Continue to deliver the CAA statutory functions and support the

       implementation of Martyn’s Law. Ensure support and guidance is

       provided to council departments so they are compliant under health

       and safety legislation.


·       Digital Inclusion


Councils play a crucial role in addressing digital exclusion and the  development of a strategy will enable us to address the lack of access, helping to create a more connected, accessible and equitable community. The development of a borough wide approach to tackling digital inclusion, including refreshing the Digital Inclusion Network, implementing the Peoples Network, creating options to support residents with device access, increasing the skills offer and improving connectivity.


After each relevant presentation, following discussion, the presenting Members and supporting officers left the meeting.


Members then considered the areas they would like to scrutinise, and whilst Cyber Security was not chosen, the Chair requested that the Executive Member come back to a future meeting with an update.




That the following items be chosen for the Committee’s Work Programme:


·       Strategic Asset Management Plan - (priorities, reduction strategy, investment strategy for remaining buildings, energy reduction plans for assets) -16th September 2024

·       Recruitment and Retention of Staff– (including current strategy, what needs to change and use of agency staff in the Council) -6th January 2025

·       Digital Exclusion Update - (one year on from last update, plus look at use of funding opportunities for Blackburn and Darwen to improve public Wi-Fi). – 10th March 2025