Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Meeting Room A. View directions

No. Item


Welcome and Apologies


The Chair welcomed everyone to the Meeting.


Apologies had been received from Councillors Salma Patel, Matt Gibson and Julie Slater.


Minutes of the last meeting pdf icon PDF 126 KB


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 12th February 2024 were agreed as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 72 KB


No Declarations of Interest were received.


Work Programme 2024/25

The Committee will receive information from the Executive Member for Children, Young People & Education on their priorities and objectives for 2024/25, which will assist the Committee in agreeing its Work Programme for 2024/25.


It is recommended that the Committee choose one main area of focus for each subsequent meeting, in order that effective scrutiny can take place and the Work Programme agreed.



The Committee received a presentation from Jo Siddle, Michelle Holt and Cllr Julie Gunn on the priorities and objectives for 2024/25 for the Children, Young People & Education Portfolio, the aim of which was to assist the Committee in agreeing its Work Programme for 2024/25.


The main Departmental priorities were summarised as:


·       We are systemic

·       Transitions for all ages and need

·       Best start in life

·       Right support, right time

·       Stable Homes built on love

·       Reaching full potential


A key upcoming focus was the SEND Local Area Inspection, which was imminent, and the three inspection outcomes were outlined. Additionally, the ILACS Inspection was due from January 2025 onwards, which was another key focus, and the results classifications were also outlined.


The Current priorities for the Department were:


       Embed our refreshed Corporate Parenting Partnership arrangements

       Preparation for inspection – SEND and ILACS

       Consolidate good practice across all areas, including assessments, visits and supervision/management oversight

       Embedding the new Working Together guidelines

       Delivering the Family Help Strategy

       Fostering Recruitment Hub

       Strengthen Children’s Services Commissioning arrangements

       Continue drive around workforce recruitment and retention

       Strengthen transitions into adulthood

       Deliver on the 6 key education priorities in the School Effectiveness Partnership Strategy.

       Deliver on the 7 key outcomes outlined in the SEND Partnership Strategy ensuring strong education, employment and training opportunities for children and young people with SEND.



Members of the Committee focussed on a number of areas, including the likely outcomes of the two main inspections, and the need to understand areas of focus and how Members could scrutinise these. Jo Siddle agreed to circulate the link to the Ofsted Handbook and the Council’s Self Evaluation to aid the Committee in its work. The LGA also had some useful scrutiny resources for Members.


Recruitment and retention of Social Workers was a key focus and caseloads of Children’s Social Workers were discussed, as was the support available to them. Targets to increase the number of Foster Carers in the Borough were also discussed, and it was noted that the situation was improving, but targets were not yet being hit. Care packages when using independent agencies were costly, and it was hoped that the next Government would follow through on the recommendations of the McCallister review. Wherever possible, children were placed within the Borough. Members also discussed Children’s Homes and placements from outside the Borough.


Members were advised of the value of the Peer Review arrangements in place, which were not mandatory, but which assisted the Council in improving its services.


In terms of Commissioning, work was in progress towards a strategy, and the North-West Framework was utilised. Other strategies being refreshed or focussed on included the Corporate Parenting Strategy, and development of a Housing Strategy for Care Leavers.


In terms of Budget Pressures, costs of foster care placements were high, as outlined, but also more complex cases were particularly costly, and it was also predicted that Home to School Transport costs, which were already rising, would  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.