Agenda item

Planning Application 24/0259 & 24/0261


Applicant – Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council


Location and Proposed Development – Imperial Mill, Gorse Street, Blackburn, BB1 3EU


Full Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent: Works to Imperial Mill to solely consist of the demolition of the boiler house, engine room extension, masonry annex and steel structure.


Decision under Town and Country Planning Acts and Regulations –


RESOLVED – Approved subject to the conditions highlighted in the Directors Report and the Update Report:


The recommended condition for the Full Planning Application as referred to in paragraph in 5.1.6, and for the Listed Building Consent application as referred to in paragraph 5.2.3, is proposed to be amended to the following:


The applicant, or their agent or successors in title, shall secure the implementation of a programme of building recording, analysis and reporting work in accordance with the Rocket Heritage & Archaeology's, Written Scheme of Investigation: Level 2 Building Recording (April 2024), received on the 9th April 2024. The programme of works in particular must be in accordance with Section 8 “Methodology”, Section 9 “Reporting”, Section 10 “Publication and Dissemination”, Section 11 “Archival”, and Section 15 “Monitoring”, of the submitted Written Scheme of Investigation, and should comprise the creation of a Level 1-2 record as set out in “Understanding Historic Buildings” (Historic England 2016). The work must be undertaken by an appropriately qualified and experienced professional contractor to the standards and guidance of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists. A copy of this record shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and the Lancashire Historic Environment Record.


REASON: In order to ensure and safeguard the recording and inspection of matters of archaeological/historical importance associated with the site and to comply with the requirements of Policies CP7 and DM26 of the Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council Local Plan 2021-2037.


With regards to the comments received by the relating to the Full Planning Application 10/24/0259, it is recommended that the proposed condition as referred to in paragraph 5.1.4 of the main report, be amended to include the criteria set out in the Trust’s response. The revised condition is as follows:


No development/demolition shall commence on site unless and until, a Demolition/Construction Environmental Method Statement has first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, which shall provide for but not be exclusively limited to the following:


a) The parking of vehicles of site operatives and visitors;

b) The loading and unloading of plant and materials;

c) A plan showing the siting of temporary protective fencing to be erected to prevent plant, machinery or material being stored or tracking to close to the canal embankment.

d) A plan showing the areas of storage of plant, scaffolding, fuel/chemicals and stockpiles, and operational cranes, where relevant.

e) Measures to control the emissions of dust and dirt, where relevant;

f) Measures to control noise and vibrations, where relevant;

g) Details of wheel washing facilities, where relevant;

h) Details of the environmental pollution incident emergency response;

i) Method statement relating to the demolition, in particular dealing with the asbestos;

j) A scheme for the recycling/disposing of waste;

k) Details of any required security hoardings;

l) Details of the location of temporary stockpiles and the covering of these;

m) Details setting out how dust and debris would be contained within the site boundary;

n) Details of the type, position and height of any required external lighting where relevant;

o) A compound plan showing the location/arrangement of the above provisions; p) Details specifying how the waterway corridor and its users would be protected during the works and include any details of proposed protective fencing/netting to be erected to safeguard the waterway infrastructure during site clearance, and

q) An assessment of the vehicle movements generated as a consequence of the materials taken on/off site (for demolition), together with a programme/duration of works and routes into and out of the site.


The development shall thereafter be implemented in strict accordance with all of the measures detailed within the approved Demolition/Construction Method Statement.


REASON: In order to control the logistics of the demolition/construction phase, in the interests of residential amenity and highway safety, together with safeguarding the stability of the Canal embankment, and to comply with the requirements of Policy DM2 of the Blackburn With Darwen Borough Local Plan 2021-2037.


In addition to the demolition works to comply with the submitted Written Scheme of Investigation as referred to above and assessed by LCC Archaeology, it is also considered prudent to impose a further condition to the Full Planning and Listed Building Consent applications to address the concerns raised by Historic England in relation to a methodology statement to provide a scheme to salvage some elements of the former boiler house to be retained where practicable. As such, the proposed condition is as follows:


No development/demolition shall commence on site unless and until, a Methodology Statement relating to precise works of demolition has first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, which shall provide for but not be exclusively limited to the following:


·       As far as possible, columns and the louvres associated with the former boiler house, will be retained and stored in a safe place.


The works shall be undertaken in accordance with the agreed scheme.


REASON: In order to ensure and retain the elements of the structures of historical importance associated with the site and to comply with the requirements of Policies CP7 and DM26 of the Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council Local Plan 2021-2037.

Supporting documents: