Issue - decisions
Growth Programme 24/25
14/06/2024 - Growth Programme 24/25
That the Executive Board:
1. Note the excellent growth performance in the Borough as demonstrated by the Growth KPIs attached as Annex A;
2. Note the continued progress made by officers in delivering the Darwen Town Deal programme.
3. Note the progress made by officers in advancing the Government’s Levelling-Up projects in Blackburn Town Centre and our South East Blackburn transport corridor;
4. Note the success of officers during the year in securing a further £20m funding for Darwen from the Governments Long Term Plan for Towns Initiative and a £20.3m investment package as part of the Levelling Up Partnership policy and investment programme (one of only 25 places in the Country) with a focus on major cultural investment priorities in Blackburn Town Centre, an acquisition fund, and new skills and innovation opportunities.
5. Note the continued progress made by the Council’s two joint venture development companies Barnfield Blackburn Ltd and Maple Grove Blackburn Ltd.
6. Note the completion of Phase 1 of the Asset Review which assessed the Council’s primary buildings to identify opportunities to improve utilisation or to consolidate and rationalise to release potential disposal or redevelopment opportunities;
7. Approve the Growth Programme for 2024-25 attached as Annex B for officers to progress projects from feasibility stage through to procurement and tender stage as required by project timelines.
8. Delegate authority to the Growth Director in consultation with the Executive Member for Growth & Development to agree the provision of specialist and affordable homes with the Borough’s three key local Registered Providers; Together Housing, Great Places and Places for People to develop affordable housing on Council owned housing sites: and
9. Delegate authority to revise the Growth Programme for 2024-25 (by adding, removing or prioritising sites) to the Growth Director in consultation with the Executive Member for Growth & Development.