Issue - decisions

Licensing Committee

14/10/2021 - Licensing Policy 2020

Members were updated on the outcome of the consultation undertaken regarding the revision of the Licensing Act 2003 Statement of Licensing Policy. 


The Statement of Licensing Policy would become the Council’s policy with respect to dealing with applications for licences and those holding licences to sell alcohol or provide regulated entertainment within the Borough. 


The Committee were informed that the Licensing Authority, on behalf of the Council, had consulted on a revised Policy Statement for the Licensing Act 2003.  The consultation lasted from 9th August 2019 until 28th October 2019. 


Three responses had been received and were shared with the Committee.  It was noted that the Officers had reviewed the responses and taken necessary action.


Members were asked to note the report and put forward any recommendations they had for inclusion in the revised policy. 


Approval of the policy was deemed a key decision and would be considered by Full Council at the meeting scheduled for 23rd January 2020. 


RESOLVED – That the Committee noted and approved the report for it to be considered by Full Council on 23rd January 2020.