Register of interests

Councillor Terri Mahmood

I, Councillor Terri Mahmood a Member of Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council give notice that I have the following financial interests

Employment, Office, Trade Profession or Vocation

1. Any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain, including the name of any person or body who employs or has appointed you
Description of your employment activity Name of Employer or Body
Driving Instructor (Self -Employed) -
2. Any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain by your spouse/ civil partner, including the name of any person or body who employs or has appointed them
Description of their employment activity Name of Employer or Body
None -


3. Any payments (other than from Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council) that have been used to help carry out your duties, or given towards your election expenses, within the last 12 months. Note: This includes any payment or financial benefit from a Trade Union.
Name of Person or Body making Payments
4. Any payments (other than from Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council) that has been given to your spouse/ partner that has been used to help carry out your duties, or given towards your election expenses, within the last 12 months. Note: This includes any payment or financial benefit from a Trade Union.
Name of Person or Body making Payments

Interests, Contracts and Securities

5. Any contracts that you, or a body in which you have a beneficial interest, have with Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council
Description of Contract
6. Any contracts that your spouse/ civil partner, or a body in which they have a beneficial interest, have with Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council
Description of Contract
7. Any beneficial interests in securities of a body which has to your knowledge a place of business or land in the Borough of Blackburn with Darwen (please see note)
Name of Company
8. As far as you are aware, any beneficial interests your spouse/ civil partner has in securities of a body which has to your knowledge a place of business or land in the Borough of Blackburn with Darwen (please see note)
Name of Company

Land, Licenses and Corporate Tenancies

9. Any land or property in Blackburn with Darwen
Address/Description of Land or Property Nature of Interest in Land or Property
22 Briarhill Close, Blackburn -
10. Any land or property your spouse/ civil partner has in Blackburn with Darwen
Address/Description of Land or Property Nature of Interest in Land or Property
Same as above -
11. Any Licences to occupy land
Address/Description of Land
12. Any licences that your spouse/ civil partner have to occupy land
Address/Description of Land
13. Any Corporate/Business tenancies
Address/Description of Property Nature of Interest in Property
None -
14. As far as you are aware, any Corporate/ Business tenancies your spouse/ civil partner has
Address/Description of Property Nature of Interest in Property
None -

Membership of Other Bodies

15. Any membership to Outside Bodies, of which you have been appointed to by the Council
Name of Organisation Position
ADI (Driver Standards Agency) -
16. Any membership of a body exercising functions of a public nature
Name of Authority Position
None -
17. Any membership of Companies, Industrial/Provident Societies or Charities
Name of Body Position
Jamia Ghosia Mosque, Chester St, Assistant Treasurer. -
18. Any membership of bodies (including any political party) influencing Public Opinion or Policy
Name of Body Name of Body
None -
19. Any membership of Trade Unions or Professional Associations
Name of Body Name of Body
None -

Disclosure of Gifts and Hospitality

20. Any gift or hospitality received or declined which is in excess of £25 in value
Date of Receipt of Gift/ Hospitality Name of Donor & Reason and Nature of Gift/ Hospitality
None -

Any Other Registrable Interests

21. Any other registrable interests, which do not fall within the above sections, but which you are aware and are required to declare under the Council's Code of Conduct
Details of any other registrable interests