
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Creation of New Secondary School Places ref: 57809/03/202309/03/2023Not for call-in
Provider Uplift ref: 57009/03/202309/03/2023Not for call-in
Procurement of new Back-up Solution ref: 57309/03/202309/03/2023Not for call-in
Treasury Management Strategy ref: 57709/03/202309/03/2023Not for call-in
Household Support Fund Round 4 ref: 57209/03/202309/03/2023Not for call-in
Local Transport Plan 2023/24 ref: 57409/03/202309/03/2023Not for call-in
Creation of New Secondary School Places ref: 57909/03/202309/03/2023Not for call-in
Strategic Asset Management Plan ref: 57509/03/202309/03/2023Not for call-in
Award of contract for long term agreement for Council Insurance polices and cover ref: 57609/03/202309/03/2023Not for call-in
Lifting Contracts ref: 56809/03/202309/03/2023Not for call-in
Fostering Update Quarter 3 2022/23 ref: 57109/03/202309/03/2023Not for call-in
Minutes of the Previous Meeting ref: 56909/03/202309/03/2023Not for call-in