Issue details
Growth Deal 3 - South East Blackburn Side Road Orders
The Executive Board is requested to give
approval for the Council to apply for a Side Roads Order (SRO) to
make amendments to highway boundaries and footpaths, in addition to
the stopping up of selected existing roads.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: Audley & Queens Park; Blackburn Central; Blackburn South and Lower Darwen; Blackburn South East;
Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/03/2019
Decision due: 11 Jul 2019 by Executive Board
Lead member: Executive Member for Growth and Development
Lead director: Strategic Director of Growth & Development
Department: Finance and Governance
Consultation process
Two public exhibitions took place on the
project in late January / early February 2019.
Following the publishing of the Side Road Order, the SRO associated
plans and the statements of case can be viewed at any time in the
Town Hall as part of the statutory process.
Making Representations: Mike Cliffe Strategic Transport Manager Ext 5310
Comments: Documents Considered: March 2018 Executive Board: Pennine Gateways Project
- Growth Deal 3 - South East Blackburn Side Road Orders