Issue details
EB NHS Health and Social Care Integration Update on Partnerships and Governance
The NHS Reforms and future Social Car Reforms
are building on the previous work undertaken by this Local
Authority in conjuction with our NHS Partners. Previously reported
in 2016 as part of the NHS sustainable development plan. The
current reforms seek to create new statutory powers for an
integrated care system covering Lancashire and South Cumbria. This
new body will also become the single CCG resulting in the current
arrangements ie Pennine Lancashire CCG being dissolved. In its
place Integrated Care Partnerships will be created to establish
co-ordination and collaboration at at Place Based level.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 13/09/2021
Decision due: 14 Jul 2022 by Executive Board
Lead member: Leader
Lead director: Strategic Director of Adults and Health
Department: ALL
Contact: Councillor Paul David Marrow Email: Tel: 07817 673454.
- EB NHS Health and Social Care Integration Update on Partnerships and Governance