Issue details

Vehicle Replacement Programme

The Council’s vehicle replacement programme has identified that the Environment and Highways Teams have a number of vehicles that are too old, need replacing, and have a number of hired vehicles on the fleet.
The Refuse Collection Team has two vehicles that are almost 9 years old and need replacing.
The Environment Street Cleansing Team has an 18 tonne road sweeper on hire that needs replacing.
The Environment Crime Team has a van that is fifteen years old, that needs replacing and the team requires another vehicle for a new member of staff.
The Environment Amenities Team has a van on hire that needs replacing.
The Environment Amenities Team have two small vans on hire that need replacing.
The Environment Amenities Team have a mini-excavator on hire that need replacing.
The Head of Environment has six vans on hire that are utilised by the supervisors of the Refuse Collection, Street Cleansing and Amenities teams. These need replacing by Council owned vehicles.
The Fleet Management Services Team has a 7.5 tonne tipper that is fifteen years old that needs replacing.
The Highways Team has two gritters that are 15 and 8 years old and need replacing.
The Digital Transformation Team has a hired vehicle on the fleet that needs replacing.
The Public Transport Team have two wheel chair accessible vehicles that are 16 and 17 years old and need replacing.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000;

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 11/03/2022

Decision due: 8 Jul 2022 by Executive Board

Lead member: Executive Member for Environment & Communities

Lead director: Strategic Director of Environment & Operations

Department: Environment & Operations

Contact: Neil Bolton Email:

Consultation process

Consultation has taken place with the fleet vehicle user sections and both the Head of Service and Director of Finance.


  • Vehicle Replacement Programme  

Background papers