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> Declarations
Declarations of interest
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Annual Council
Annual Scrutiny Review
Assessment Sub-Committee
Audit & Governance Committee
Blackburn with Darwen Local Strategic Partnership Board
Blackburn with Darwen Local Strategic Partnership Executive
Blackburn with Darwen Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education
Blackburn with Darwen Strategic Partnership Board
Blackburn with Darwen Strategic Partnership Executive
Call In Committee
Call-In Committee
Charitable Funds Committee
Chief Executive Employment Committee
Chief Executive's and Chief Officer Employment Committee
Chief Executives Employment Committee
Chief Officer Employment Committee
Chief Officers Employment Committee
Children & Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Children and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Children and Lifelong Learning Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Children in our Care Committee
Children, Young People and Education Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Childrens Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Community Safety Partnership
Corporate Parenting
Corporate Parenting Partnership
Corporate Parenting Specialist Advisory Group
Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Council Forum
Council Forum Committee
Council Meetings
Darwen & Rural Neighbourhood Board
Darwen Town Deal Board
Economic Regeneration Board
Education Development Trust
Executive Board
Executive Board Summary of Decisions
Executive Member Decisions
Extraordinary Council
Extraordinary Meeting of the Children & Young People Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Finance Council
Gambling Act 2005 Sub-Committee
General Licensing Sub-Committee
General Licensing Sub-Committee Extra Panel
General Licensing Sub-Committee Panel 1
General Licensing Sub-Committee Panel 2
General Licensing Sub-Committee Panel 3
General Licensing Sub-Committee Panel 4
General Licensing Sub-Committee Panel 5
General Licensing Sub-Committee Panel 6
Health & Wellbeing Board
Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Health and Adults Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Health and Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Licensing Act 2003 Sub-Committee
Licensing Act 2003 Sub-Committee Extra Panel
Licensing Act 2003 Sub-Committee Panel 1
Licensing Act 2003 Sub-Committee Panel 2
Licensing Act 2003 Sub-Committee Panel 3
Licensing Act 2003 Sub-Committee Panel 4
Licensing Act 2003 Sub-Committee Panel 5
Licensing Act 2003 Sub-Committee Panel 6
Licensing Committee
Local Joint Negotiating Consultative Committee
Local Strategic Partnership Board
Member Engagement Advisory Committee
Officer Decisions
Pennine Lancashire Building Control Joint Committee
Pennine Lancashire Building Control Joint Committee Decisions
People Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Place Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Planning and Highways Committee
Planning Decisions
Police & Crime Panel for Lancashire
Police & Crime Panel for Lancashire Complaints Sub Commitee
Police and Crime Panel for Lancashire Complaints Sub Committee
Police and Crime Panel for Lancashire Confirmation Hearing
Policy & Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Policy and Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Policy Council
Regeneration and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Regeneration and Technical Overview and Scrutiny Committee
School Organisation Panel
Standards Committee
Standards Hearing Panel
Non Pecuniary
Personal and Prejudicial
Ahmed, Councillor Imran Ahmed
Akhtar, Councillor Parwaiz Akhtar
Akhtar, Councillor Hussain Akhtar
Ali, Councillor Saj Ali
Baldwin, Councillor Jon Baldwin
Brookfield, Councillor Stephanie Rose Brookfield
Casey, Councillor Jim Casey
Connor, Councillor Kevin Connor
Desai, Councillor Mustafa Desai
Desai, Councillor Samim Desai
Fazal, Councillor Tasleem Fazal
Fielding, Councillor Katrina Louise Fielding
Floyd, Councillor Jackie Floyd
Gee, Councillor Denise Gee
Gibson, Councillor Matt Gibson
Gunn, Councillor Julie Louise Gunn
Hardman, Councillor Derek James Hardman
Harling, Councillor Dave Harling
Humphrys, Councillor Tony Humphrys
Hussain, Councillor Mahfooz Hussain
Hussain, Councillor Iftakhar Hussain
Hussain, Councillor Shaukat Hussain
Hussain, Councillor Waqar Hussain
Imtiaz, Councillor Sabahat Imtiaz
Irfan, Councillor Mohammed Irfan
Jackson, Councillor Matthew Jackson
Jacq, Councillor Jacqueline Slater
Johnson, Councillor Liz Johnson
Kapadia, Councillor Amin Kapadia
Khan, Councillor Zamir Khan MBE
Khan, Councillor Sonia Khan
Khan, Councillor Rana Gulistan Khan
Khonat, Councillor Suleman Khonat
Liddle, Councillor Sylvia Liddle
Mahmood, Councillor Quesir Mahmood
Mahmood, Councillor Terri Mahmood
Marrow, Councillor Paul David Marrow
Masters, Councillor Iqbal Masters
McCaughran, Councillor Martin McCaughran
McGurk, Councillor Vicky Ellen McGurk
Patel, Councillor Muntazir Patel
Patel, Councillor Altaf Ibrahim Patel
Patel, Councillor Abdul Samad Patel
Patel, Councillor Salma Patel
Raja, Councillor Ehsan Raja
Rigby, Councillor Jean Rigby
Riley, Councillor Phil Riley
Russell, Councillor Mark Russell
Shaw, Councillor Anthony Shaw
Shorrock, Councillor Jim Shorrock
Sidat, Councillor Salim Sidat MBE
Slater, Councillor Julie Slater
Slater, Councillor Neil Andrew Slater
Slater, Councillor John Slater
Smith, Councillor Jim Smith
Smith, Councillor David Smith
Talbot, Councillor Damian Talbot
Taylor, Councillor Brian Taylor
Whalley, Councillor Ashley Whalley
Whittingham, Councillor Elaine Whittingham
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period